Category  |  Attitudes

Let's take one final look at the blind man in John chapter 9, from the perspective of Jesus Part 5

In the dark, it’s hard to see anything clearly. It’s only when the light is turned on that everything comes into focus. Let's take one final look at the blind man in John chapter 9, from the perspective of Jesus, the Light of the World. See this passage with new eyes.

A challenge to change our perspective on those in need Part 3

Some saw him as a culprit to blame. Others viewed him as a mystery to solve. But the religious leaders saw the blind man in John chapter 9 as a problem to avoid! Do we view them as people to love or interruptions to ignore?

Lessons from the healing of a blind man Part 2

Scripture tells us that God often works in mysterious ways. Why we don’t need to know all the reasons to appreciate God’s amazing work.

Let’s look past our problems to focus on Jesus as our solution Part 1

We’re quick to look for a scapegoat when life falls apart. When trials and troubles come, we often speculate on all the reasons why. Join us for a brand-new series on John chapter 9.

Be encouraged by how Jesus handles our sin with truth and grace Part 4

She had been caught red-handed. Exposed publicly for her sin of adultery, the woman in John 8 certainly didn’t expect any mercy from Jesus or the crowd.

Discover Jesus’ response to an impossible dilemma Part 3

From a human perspective, there was no good solution. Jesus shouldn’t forgive the woman caught in adultery, but He wouldn’t condemn her either! Our series in John chapter 8 continues.

An important discussion about the dangers of exploiting others Part 2

Ever notice how easy it is to mix up our priorities? It happens when we love things and use people, instead of loving people and using things!

A personal firestorm that ignited trust in the goodness of God Part 2

Firestorms often come unexpectedly. And they leave ash, rubble, and devastation in their wake. But within the ruins, we find surprising signs of hope.

Stories and insights on how to measure the intensity of our faith Part 1

What’s your faith look like right now? Is it a small, flickering flame? Or a roaring wildfire? It’s the beginning of a brand-new study, "Unquenchable."

The conclusion of our study in the book of Job with a message of hope Part 10

Job’s story has a bittersweet ending. While he wound up with more than he had before, could his new blessings ever replace all that he had lost?

How to gain wisdom when handling both victories and losses with grace Part 9

No matter how smart we are, we won’t win every argument. So how can we be humble when we win and gracious when we lose? Let's study the book of Job.

Why it’s fruitful to believe that God knows us individually Part 4

Faith means trusting that God knows how much we can handle, even when we’re in the midst of difficult circumstances. Perhaps you’re wondering if your trial is more than you can bear.

A challenging yet encouraging study on the book of Job Part 3

The story of Job brings up a lot of questions, like, “Why would God let all that happen to such a good guy?” Let's jump back into a study in the book of Job.

Job’s place in Scripture, and the lessons we can learn from this story of faith Part 1

Compared to the uplifting or encouraging books of the Bible, the book of Job seems to stand out like a sore thumb.

Jesus’ call to the heavy-burdened, come and find a place of rest Part 1

Many of us still carry around the baggage of past disappointments, painful losses, and fresh failures. Feeling weighed down?

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