Category  |  Peace

What It Means To Restore Someone To The Faith With Gentleness And Grace Part 11

When you encounter someone who’s made a mistake, do you extend grace? Or stand in judgment?

A Thought-provoking Discussion On Galatians Chapter Five Part 8

As followers of God we’re called to live a life full of the fruits of the Spirit such as love, peace, and kindness. And as we align our attitudes and actions with God’s purposes, it impacts the way we respond to those around us.

Discover How The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Key To Living Out The Life Of Faith Part 7

Galatians chapter five is more than a laundry list of good attitudes to embrace. Let's unravel this complex passage of Scripture describing the fruit of the Spirit.

Insights On Trusting God To Grow The Fruit Of The Spirit In Our Lives Part 6

There are men and women all over the world who show love and kindness, patience and self-control, and yet they don’t have a personal relationship with God.

What Does It Mean To Truly Express Love To Our Family And Our Neighbors? Part 19

When we follow God, everything we say and do is a representation of God to the world.

The Danger Of Trusting Our Feelings To Determine The Outcome Of A Major Decision Part 4

It’s not easy making big, life-changing decisions. Especially when we’re having a hard time determining God’s will.

Building Bridges Rather Than Walls Part 54

In a world characterized by war, as nation battles nation . . . peace seems far away. From the book of Judges in the Bible, one man led the way with diplomacy.

How To Look For God In The Midst Of Painful Trials Part 46

Just like gold is refined in a fire, our faith is refined through testing. Perhaps you’re going through a difficult time right now . . . a testing of your faith.

Follow God's Leading And Find His Security Along The Way Part 2

Have you ever moved to a new location? Did you find it difficult or challenging? Moving from a familiar job to a new job is stressful. We wonder if we will fail in the new position.

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