Let’s Grapple With The Problem Of Pride Part 27
Self-righteous is a term we don’t use very often today. It’s a phrase that describes people who lord their accomplishments over us.
The Effect Pride Can Have On Our Relationships . . . And Most Importantly, How We Relate To God Part 23
Have you ever met someone so wrapped up in how great they are that you felt . . . well, a little less significant?
An Eye-opening Conversation On Self-righteousness Part 4
Whether we admit it or not, we’ve all had moments when we criticize others for their weakness . . . and gain a little self-importance in the process. As it turns out, people have been struggling with pride since the beginning of creation!
The Parable Of Charles And Billy Joe - A New Spin On An Old Story Part 3
Sometimes we marginalize the stories in the Bible. Because we’ve heard them so often, we fail to appreciate their deep meaning in our life. Haddon Robinson re-introduces a story we’ve heard before, but in a way you’ve probably never considered.
A New Series On One Of Jesus’ Parables Part 1
Movie producers come up with new renditions of old stories all the time. If you pay attention, you’ll notice, for example, you’ve seen Cinderella a dozen different ways. Haddon Robinson kicks off a new series on one of Jesus’ parables that we’d like you to hear again . . . for the first time.
Examining Decisions We Make When We’re Caught Up In The Moment Part 75
Whether it’s a spur-of-the-moment road trip, or responding to an eloquent speaker at a conference . . . spontaneity can be exhilarating. But sometimes the choices we make on the fly aren’t the best in the long run.
Struggling To Make The Right Decision? Part 63
Whether it’s an extra slice of cake when we’re on a diet or a major indiscretion . . . decisions seem insurmountable when temptation crosses our path.
How To Measure Opportunities That Come Our Way Part 57
When making major decisions like where to live, where to put your kids through school, what job to take . . . it can be difficult to know which choice to make. Facing big decisions right now?
Let’s Decipher Some Of The Analogies In The Bible And How They Relate To Life Today Part 27
What does it mean to “walk with God”? Often the Bible uses metaphors to describe the Christian life. And sometimes, they can be difficult to apply to real life.
Explore Ways To Debate Issues With Christlike Love Part 17
Disagreements are part of daily life. And how we handle conflict is of great importance to God. Having difficulty addressing a difference in opinion? Don’t miss the practical advice.
Practical Ways To Understand The Society Around Us While Still Maintaining Our Beliefs Part 16
We’re taught to be in the world . . . but not of the world. So, as Christians, how do we reconcile our value system with a godless culture?
Reaching The World Without Letting Its Values Infiltrate The Church Part 13
In any church, it takes a lot of discernment to welcome people from all walks of life, without condoning their sinful lifestyle. How do we embrace everyone, without alienating anyone?
What It Means To Be A Follower Of Christ In Our Culture Part 12
Is there a difference between a Christian rock band and Christians in a rock band? How about a Christian business verses a Christian in a business? Want to make a difference but don’t know where to start?
The Fine Line Between Influencing Our Culture And Becoming A Part Of It Part 11
Most people don’t like standing out in a crowd. And yet, that’s what we’re called to do as Christians. We’re called to be different from the world around us.
Living In Today’s Society While Nurturing A Vital Relationship With God Part 10
As Christians we’re called to be different . . . “set apart” . . . from the world. And yet, we live in a culture unsympathetic with our values.