Gaining more self-control in our lives through our personal relationship with God Part 6
You’ve taken the first step and given your life to Christ. But how does that really impact your daily life? Let's continue a helpful discussion in Second Peter.
How our diligence and God’s assistance work together in our lives Part 3
They say, “God helps those who help themselves.” But is that actually true? An eye-opening study in Second Peter chapter one.
Discover the God who understands what it is like to be broken Part 1
In the midst of broken families and shattered relationships, we often feel completely alone. As if no one understands the pain and hurt we’re experiencing. God knows exactly what it is like to be broken!
Engage in a thoughtful discussion about taking our promises seriously Part 20
Making a lifelong commitment, and keeping it, isn’t easy! Especially in a culture that says we can break those promises whenever the pressure’s too much to bear.
Discover how some commitments can change the course of our life Part 19
Let's look at the commitment Ruth made to her mother-in-law Naomi, to care for her well-being until her death.
Find parallels for the Christian life from Ruth’s commitment to Naomi Part 18
When we make the decision to trust in God, our life starts going in a new direction. We turn away from old habits, and start following a new path.