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Engage in a thoughtful discussion about taking our promises seriously Part 20

Making a lifelong commitment, and keeping it, isn’t easy! Especially in a culture that says we can break those promises whenever the pressure’s too much to bear.

Discover How To Bring Meaning To Your Ordinary Work Day Part 45

It’s not always easy to find significance and meaning in the mundane assignments on our plate everyday. Bring new life to your workweek with a thought-provoking study in Ephesians.

Consider What The Bible Has To Say About Work Part 15

We spend most of our time working at one job or another, but how often do we sit down and consider what the Bible says about work? A fascinating discussion on the theology of work.

Challenges We Face In Business As The Result Of Sin In The World Part 14

We live in a fallen world. And as a result, the work we do isn’t always pleasant!

Uncovering God’s Plan For The Responsibilities He’s Given Us Part 13

When you look back on your workweek you probably notice that some aspects of your job are enjoyable, while others are just plain tedious. Whether you work in the office or the home, this helpful discussion is for you!

Need To Find Some Significance In Your Job? Part 5

Whether we work in a church, an office building or the home, our work matters to God! We all have the capacity to serve God, no matter what occupation we’ve chosen.

The Repercussions Of Putting Money Ahead Of Our Affection For God Part 59

When the love of money creeps into our hearts, we can lose our focus on the one true God.

Taking An Honest Look At Our Priorities Part 45

What will people remember about your life? Will they see generosity, patience and love? Discover the importance of putting your faith before the stuff you own.

Discover Why Only God Can Fill The Void In Our Lives Part 30

So often we try to fill the longing in our hearts with things. Stuff. We think, once I have that new job, or that new house, I’ll be satisfied. Only God can fill the void in our lives. Nothing else comes close.

Investing In Things That Have Eternal Value Part 20

We live in a consumer-driven society, where the accumulation of wealth is high priority. And yet, we can’t take our possessions beyond the grave. Discover greater things than the stock market to invest in.

A Helpful Conversation About Strengthening Your Faith Part 1

Trusting God may sound noble, but when things get difficult it’s easier said than done! This is evident in the life of Samuel . . . an ancient leader who followed God with integrity in good times and bad.

What Does It Mean To Be Citizens Of Heaven While Still Here On Earth? Part 6

Matthew 6:19 and 20 states: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth . . . but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” We’re called to be set apart from the world . . . but what does that really mean?



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