Where is lasting hope? Part 3
No one enjoys going through hard times, but God's Word shows us that it's in seasons of suffering that we find lasting hope. Join us today on "Discover the Word" for another eye-opening conversation.
A thoughtful conversation about faith and how it influences what we think and how we respond to life’s challenges Part 1
What is faith? Is it something we believe, or something we live? Let's answer those questions in a study of James, chapter 1. Join in this thoughtful conversation about faith.
A Helpful Discussion On How To Grow Older Without Growing Bitter Part 8
Life rarely turns out as we imagined. As the years roll by and dreams go unfulfilled . . . it’s easy to sink into discouragement.
An Honest Discussion On What It Means To Trust In God Part 34
Can you think of a time or two in your life when you were frustrated with God? Well, of course! We’ve all had our share of confusion and disappointment. Don’t allow disappointment or bitterness to cloud your view.