How our fears can keep us from intimacy with Jesus Part 5
Our fears take many forms. Often it’s a fear of being “found out” for who we really are; or we fear the loss of relationships with others because of circumstances that are out of our control. Like the demon-possessed man in the Bible, we’re afraid of what will happen to us if Jesus gets too close.
The Place of Testing
Growth and maturity come only with the passing of time and in the presence of…
Discover how fear can change the way we view those in need Part 4
Parents are supposed to want the best for their children. Let's study a mom and dad who weren’t exactly happy about their son’s miraculous healing!
How the fractured parts of our families bring us closer to God Part 3
When a prized possession in our home shatters, we’re prone to simply throw away the pieces. Thankfully, that’s not what God does with broken things! Looking to put the pieces back together in your family?
Practical Advice For Making Tough Choices Part 3
Life is full of difficult choices. What college to attend, what house to buy, what job to take. Encouragement us to trust God with those major decisions.