Discover the blessing of avoiding sin and living God’s way Part 4
Sin offers momentary happiness. But can sin provide lasting joy in life? Let's dig deep in Psalm 1 for keys to a happy life.
How a truly happy life is found only in the boundaries of God’s perfect law Part 3
Have you ever thought you’d have more fun in life if you didn’t have to follow any rules? I think we’ve all been there. Our study in Psalm 1 continues.
Biblical wisdom on how to live a blessed life Part 2
Everyone seems to have a different opinion on what it takes to be happy. But if we truly want to experience a fulfilled life, we have to be careful who we listen to! Tune in to hear biblical wisdom.
Discover the true keys to finding and living a happy life Part 1
Everyone has the right to pursue happiness. But the question is, will we ever find it? Let's begin a new series in Psalm 1.
What seems impossible to us is not impossible with God! Part 18
Have you ever prayed that a loved one would come to know Jesus, only to see that person move farther and farther away from God? Be encouraged to keep praying, and sharing the Savior.
How to build a bridge into someone else’s world, and bring the hope of Jesus to them Part 12
It’s not uncommon to find walls erected around someone’s heart. These barriers make reaching people with the love of God a bit more difficult. A timely message of hope from the group.
Find out how our personal vulnerability makes the gospel attractive Part 10
Do you feel unqualified to share your faith? Feel like your weaknesses and flaws prohibit you from evangelism? If that’s the way you feel, you’re exactly the person God can use!
Discover the power of friendship Part 9
God calls all of us to share the gospel. Thankfully, we don’t have to go to seminary, stand on the street corner, or fill stadiums in order to answer that call! Let's discuss a simple way of reaching others for Christ.
Calming our fears about evangelism Part 6
When it comes to sharing our faith, sometimes we’re hesitant to even start the conversation. What if we’re asked a question we can’t answer? We may not be able to offer every solution, but we can point others to the ultimate Answer!
How we all can shine the light of Christ! Part 2
A spotlight can illuminate a stadium. A flashlight may only brighten a small patch of ground. But regardless of the scope or magnitude, both still light up the darkness! Let's discuss how there may be varying degrees of giftedness, but we all can shine the light of Christ!
Discover your God-given potential Part 1
Typically, we consider evangelists to be super-Christians. They’re the ones leading thousands to faith in stadiums or traveling across the world to share the gospel. How every believer is gifted to be a successful evangelist.
Let’s conclude our study on the Roman centurion in Matthew 8 Part 5
Want to know how to shock and amaze God? This soldier said something that astonished Jesus, and in so doing, gave us an inspiring example.