Category  |  Christian Life

Discover the God who understands what it is like to be broken Part 1

In the midst of broken families and shattered relationships, we often feel completely alone. As if no one understands the pain and hurt we’re experiencing. God knows exactly what it is like to be broken!

Why “Lord, have mercy” should be our daily request Part 10

What is the one thing you ask God for the most? Protection for your family? Food on the table? It’s the conclusion of a study on “The Mercy Prayer.”

Discover the two probing questions Jesus asked of those looking for mercy Part 8

Jesus wants to shower you with His mercy. But first, He has some questions for you to answer. The two probing questions that Jesus asked of those looking for mercy reveal our faith and trust!

Gain a profound perspective on God’s grace Part 7

When the weight of life crushes down on us, and the pain is more than we can bear, our plea to God is “Why?” How our personal pain may be the perfect answer to the prayer; “Lord, have mercy.”

How justice, mercy, and grace are displayed in perfect harmony through the person of Jesus Christ Part 6

There are events in life that call for justice. Other times, we’re desperately seeking mercy. And almost every day, we’re in need of grace!

Let’s discuss the one prayer God always answers, “Lord, have mercy” Part 1

How is it that the most evil sinner and the most compassionate saint can both experience the undeserved love of God? The answer is found in the concept of “mercy.” It’s the start of a brand-new series.

How the good, the bad, and even the ugly parts of life can reflect the good news of Jesus Part 5

Some chapters of life we’d be proud to share with others. And then there are the pages filled with regret and longing, with wayward decisions we’d prefer not to share with anyone. A lesson from the life of Samson.

Discover how God used Samson’s sins and failures to accomplish a greater purpose Part 3

There are some mistakes we may think are past redemption. But when God’s involved, He can use even those most wayward decisions to further His plan! A message of hope.

Find hope for your broken expectations Part 2

If you’ve ever experienced a broken dream, a bitter disappointment, or a crushing regret then you know what it’s like to experience unfulfilled expectations. Let's walk the trail of broken promises Samson left behind him, and reveal how God redeemed each one!

Let’s turn our attention to the flawed and vulnerable leader named Samson Part 1

The men and women found in Scripture can act as mirrors. The more we gaze at them . . . the more we see ourselves, and our desperate need for a Savior! Join us for a brand-new series.

How God may use our trials to teach other people important lessons as well Part 4

Painful circumstances or difficult seasons in our lives can teach us valuable lessons we otherwise wouldn’t have known. A fresh perspective on God’s plans.

Understanding the truth about worship through a study on Matthew chapter 15 Part 1

Jesus is on the lookout for true worshipers. But it’s not necessarily those who sing the loudest, or know the most hymns. Why genuine worship is less about what we do, and more about acknowledging what God has done!

Discover the Word Thanksgiving Conversation

Listen to a special conversation Haddon, Alice, and Mart had about giving thanks.

Jesus’ perspective on building character Part 27

Building godly character doesn’t happen overnight. And according to the “Discover the Word” team, our character is revealed, not only in what we believe, but how we act out those convictions in our daily lives.

A Life Lived Under the Grace of God

Listen to Haddon Robinson as he speaks at a special surprise gathering to honor him at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Here he recounts some of the events that shaped his life.

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