What Happens When We Focus On Things We Don’t Have, And Don’t Need? Part 21
There’s something in our human nature that says if my neighbor has it, I want it! Why does the grass always appear greener in someone else’s yard? Do you find that you're deeply dissatisfied?
Outward Signs That Reveal Envy In Our Hearts And Challenge Us To Examine Our Attitudes Part 20
Covetousness is a sin we often don’t see. Jealousy is an attitude of our hearts. and challenge us to examine our attitudes.
Realizing That Only An Authentic Reliance Upon God Truly Satisfies Part 19
Our culture worships the role of money in our lives, to the point where it becomes the highest priority to have more, more, and more. Encouragement for us to re-examine our priorities.
A Candid Conversation About Money And Its Effects On Our Lives Part 18
The Bible claims that the love of money is the root of all evil. So if we’re obsessed with the accumulation of wealth, what kind of life will we have?
Discover God’s Will For Your Bank Account Part 17
The Bible has a lot to say about wealth and possessions. What’s important isn’t just how we use the money we have, it’s our attitude about accumulating riches.
Need A New Perspective On Possessions? Part 16
What are you living for? The next paycheck? A bigger house or nicer car? A reminder that the material “stuff” we strive for in this life won’t follow us beyond death.
Do You Have An Attitude Towards Finances That Honors God? Part 15
No matter the size of our bank account, we’re called to have an attitude towards finances that honors God. Let's discuss the difficulties surrounding money, when you have too much of it, and when you have just enough to get by.
Discover What It Means To Be Content With What We Have Part 14
Contentment is often an elusive quality. Here one minute and gone the next. What does it mean to be content with what we have, in a world offering more of what we don’t need?
Uncover The Symptoms Of Coveting That Reveal Its Toxic Presence In Our Lives Part 12
We don’t often think of sin as we would a disease ravaging our body, and yet, sin is toxic to our lives and ultimately to our souls. Look at the tenth commandment, “You shall not covet.”
Looking At The Dissatisfaction That Comes From Coveting Part 11
The accumulation of possessions and wealth rarely leaves a person satisfied. Often they continue wanting just a little bit more. Perhaps you find yourself unhappy with what you have right now.
What Followers Of God Can Do To Keep Their “wants” From Becoming Obsessions Part 10
In a materialistic culture that calls for “bigger and better,” it’s difficult finding contentment with the deluge of options we’re presented.
The Sin Of Covetousness And Its Dangerous Effect On Our Lives Part 9
There can be nothing wrong with wanting a bigger house or a nicer car, but when those desires become obsessions, it’s not long before we cross a line.
The Tentative Relationship Between Happiness And Possessions Part 8
Most of us know what it’s like to chase after something we’d love to own, only to discover that owning it doesn’t make us happy at all! It’s part of the study on the tenth commandment, “you shall not covet.”
Taming The Green-eyed Monster That Lurks In Each Of Our Hearts Part 7
When envy strikes, it lays hold of our contentment and brings us no peace. Perhaps someone else received the promotion you wanted. Or a friend is successfully using her talents while you’re struggling to figure out if you have any talents at all.