Category  |  Christian Life

How Jesus comforts us Part 5

On the eve of His death, Jesus had an intimate meal with His disciples, and He loved them to the end. The disciples had no idea what plans Jesus had for them. Join us for a rich discussion about how Jesus comforted His disciples, and us!

How to have peace during times of confusion Part 4

When things are in disarray, where do we set our sights? Join us today as we talk about the hope to come, and how that reality can help us have peace now.

Discover an invitation from Jesus Part 3

Saying life is messy is an understatement for most of us! So is it possible for us to have peace about our life only when everything gets in order? Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled . . . trust Me."

What kind of life does God desire for us? Part 2

Life has a way of shaking up our stability, and it is times like this that reveal where we place our trust. God desires for us a life of wholeness, a life of being complete. But how we get there is very important.

Let There Be Peace in You

Programs in Series 5

Jesus’ “Upper Room Discourse” was delivered the night before He went to the cross. It…

Obtaining peace during times of conflict Part 1

Jesus said He came that we might have abundant life. The problem for us is that sometimes we think "abundant" means "easy." Join us for an encouraging conversation about the issue of peace during times of conflict. Incredible lessons can be learned from Jesus' last night with His disciples.

The battlefield of faith in both poverty and wealth Part 5

They say that life is a matter of perspective, and it takes a strong mind to stay faithful. As you go through tough times, where do you set your thoughts?

Is living by faith a waste of time? Part 4

A life of faith means we may not see the results right away, or even in our lifetime. Today on "Discover the Word," our hosts and our special guest Torrey Robinson talk about faith and trials. Is it worth it? You bet it is!

How God causes us to produce good fruit Part 2

Some grapevines need to experience stress to develop good grapes, and the same principle can be applied to the trials we have in our own lives. The unwelcome stress and struggle may be God's way of pruning you to produce fruit. Don't miss this conversation on "Discover the Word."

The Place of Testing

Programs in Series 5

Growth and maturity come only with the passing of time and in the presence of…

Praying when crushed by sorrow Part 5

Long ago one believer wrote about God, saying, "He has broken my teeth with gravel." These are stark words! Today on "Discover the Word," our hosts and our special guest, Jean Syswerda, provide a frank and striking discussion about suffering and praying the psalms in sorrow.

Strength and comfort in times of great sorrow Part 4

What is the psalm most frequently heard at funerals? You guessed it: Psalm 23. Today on "Discover the Word," our special guest Jean Syswerda discusses how praying the psalms in our darkest hour can make a difference.

Finding our bearings when we feel forsaken by God Part 3

As strange as it seems, feeling forsaken by God is common to believers, but always painful. Join us today as we talk about finding our bearings by focusing on God's faithful deliverance in the past. What can we learn by looking back?

Trusting God when life turns upside down and sideways Part 2

Join us today as we talk about getting through grief and how the Bible gives hope when we find ourselves in the valley of the shadow of death. Don't miss this important conversation!

How do we survive heart-rending grief? Part 1

When we go through a dark night of the soul, it can feel like God has abandoned us, like He's hiding from our troubles. Join us today with our special guest, Jean Syswerda, as we learn how to pray the psalms during times of pain.

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