Category  |  Death

How Jesus Endured the Cross Part 4

Today on "Discover the Word," we will talk about the intense physical violence Jesus endured on the cross, described in Psalm 22, 2,000 years before the actual event. This was long before crucifixion was even invented. While the film "The Passion of the Christ" gave us a graphic taste of that horrific event, it was still a tame depiction of what actually transpired. Join us right here on "Discover the Word"!

How God Works In Our Darkest Hours To Bring About Blessing Part 11

There’s no getting around it. Most of life is just plain ol’ difficult! Let's talk about God’s intervention in our darkest hours, and how God works to bring about blessing.

Dig Deeper Into The Story Of Ruth And Naomi For Insight Part 10

Have you ever felt that God turned His back on you? When difficult seasons arise, it’s easy to question whether God truly knows what you’re going through.

The Biblical Road Map That Leads To Life Beyond The Grave Part 21

The graveyard gives a sense of permanency. To the casual observer, death represents the end of the long road of life. The grave isn’t the last stop on our journey! There’s hope ahead.

The Implications Of Believing In God’s Victory Over Death Part 77

Death is a source of fear for many people. It’s something none of us can avoid. And yet, Christ has conquered death! It’s a profound statement that deeply affects each of our lives.

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