Category  |  Personal Crisis

Discover how to fight worry, fear, and doubt Part 1

When troubles start to close in around us, and worry, fear, and doubt invade our hearts, God has given us a powerful tool to fight back! Join us as our special guest, Margaret Feinberg, discusses an unlikely weapon in our daily battles: joy!

Quenching our spiritual thirst with cool water Part 2

When our mouth is parched and our throat is dry, cool water is the only thing that can quench our thirst. Together let us find the only source of satisfaction when the complexities and confusions of life leave us feeling empty inside.

Psalm 42, a song for worried people in desperate situations! Part 1

Sudden disasters can often leave us scrambling for answers, and desperate times call for desperate songs. Join us as we start a brand-new study on Psalm 42.

Discover ways to help those who are hurting Part 5

You may not recognize it immediately, but it’s possible that the person standing right next to you is wounded, broken, or struggling. Let's be willing dispensers of God’s grace. Hear a “best of” conversation from last year.

Engage in an important and personal conversation Part 1

Whether you’re a new listener, or a regular “Discover the Word” Bible study partner, you won’t want to miss the conversation. It’s one of the best discussions this year!

Let’s ponder Jesus’ request for workers Part 4

Face-to-face with the desperate needs of people we know, we might pray that God brings them comfort. But could God be asking us to be the ones to meet their need? Are we willing to say, “Lord, send me”?

Discover the bright future God has for each of us! Part 10

There are times in life when our burdens and trials have drained us, and we feel like we cannot take another step. Discover biblical encouragement to keep going! Join the group for the final conversation in our series, "Unquenchable."

A moving story about God’s miraculous comfort in the midst of personal pain Part 9

Even into the most intense, fiery trials of our lives, God brings refreshing splashes of joy. Hear a real-life illustration of God’s love.

The benefits of a faith that has gone through the fire Part 8

Just like a precious metal, God may run us through the refinery in order to purify our faith. And the process can be quite painful. See your trials in a new way.

How life’s fiery trials can initiate the deepest growth in our faith Part 6

The seed of a giant redwood tree will lie dormant until it’s been burned by flames. These pinecones need to feel the fires of adversity if they are to grow!

Discover how to have unquenchable faith in God Part 5

When we’re going through a fiery ordeal and our faith feels like it’s going to go out, how do we keep our passion for God alive? Discover the importance of remembering our past in order to survive our present trials.

A personal story of loss, pain, and renewed faith from special guest, Carol Kent Part 4

As a popular speaker, author, and Bible teacher, Carol’s faith was on fire. But then a trial came that threatened to extinguish her flame.

The conclusion of our study in the book of Job with a message of hope Part 10

Job’s story has a bittersweet ending. While he wound up with more than he had before, could his new blessings ever replace all that he had lost?

How to gain wisdom when handling both victories and losses with grace Part 9

No matter how smart we are, we won’t win every argument. So how can we be humble when we win and gracious when we lose? Let's study the book of Job.

Discover why suffering is not always the result of sin Part 6

We often equate pain with punishment. When something goes wrong in our life, we often assume it’s because we did something wrong. Let's study the example of Job, which challenges our thoughts about both justice and mercy.

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