Category  |  Trials

How life’s fiery trials can initiate the deepest growth in our faith Part 6

The seed of a giant redwood tree will lie dormant until it’s been burned by flames. These pinecones need to feel the fires of adversity if they are to grow!

Discover how to have unquenchable faith in God Part 5

When we’re going through a fiery ordeal and our faith feels like it’s going to go out, how do we keep our passion for God alive? Discover the importance of remembering our past in order to survive our present trials.

A personal story of loss, pain, and renewed faith from special guest, Carol Kent Part 4

As a popular speaker, author, and Bible teacher, Carol’s faith was on fire. But then a trial came that threatened to extinguish her flame.

The conclusion of our study in the book of Job with a message of hope Part 10

Job’s story has a bittersweet ending. While he wound up with more than he had before, could his new blessings ever replace all that he had lost?

How to gain wisdom when handling both victories and losses with grace Part 9

No matter how smart we are, we won’t win every argument. So how can we be humble when we win and gracious when we lose? Let's study the book of Job.

Let's discover the purpose behind trials of faith, and conclude our series in James chapter 1 Part 5

God doesn’t allow us to go through trials and temptations just to see us squirm. There’s a reason and goal behind every challenge we face. It’s an inspiring message to help us hang on and stay the course.

Discover answers for dealing with life’s challenges in James 1 Part 3

Is there a difference between a “trial” and a “temptation”? Let's explore James 1 for answers on dealing with life’s challenges. We’ll find that our response to those challenges makes all the difference!

Discover why we grow closer to God in our difficulties Part 3

It’s easy to be thankful during the good seasons in life. But when life takes a drastic turn, gratitude doesn’t come so naturally. Let's look at the story of Lazarus, and discover why we grow closer to God in our difficulties.

Discover God’s visible love for you, even in the midst of trials Part 2

The Bible defines faith as “trusting in what you cannot see.” But it’s hard to trust in God’s goodness when life is falling apart around us. Let's explore a passage in Scripture that offers us a fresh perspective on faith.

Find encouragement for your walk with God Part 5

Ever feel like your faith is being tested? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! The group, with special guest Carol Kuykendall, share their own personal trials of faith and how God came through each and every time.

How those tough seasons in our lives give us a greater compassion for others Part 9

Nothing deepens your relationship with the Lord like having Him walk through a difficult situation with you. Perhaps you’re going through a tough time right now. The group shares how they've grown closer to God through the trials in their lives.

Biblical encouragement for enduring under trials Part 8

What are you struggling with today? What burden are you longing to get off your back? Get an inspiring boost to keep going.

Discover reasons to rejoice even when life is falling apart Part 12

A happy family. A fulfilling career. A fruitful ministry. It’s easy to be grateful for things that go well. Being thankful for the events that turn our life upside down, now that’s tough! A study on “The Beauty of Broken.”

Let's take God’s message of healing to those in need Part 5

Dealing with painful circumstances tends to draw us inward. Sometimes we even forget there are others around us struggling with brokenness and sorrow as well! We’re learning how to share “The Beauty of Broken.”

How embracing the pain can open us to more of God’s love and healing Part 4

Has a broken relationship left a hole in your heart? Perhaps a recent hurt has crushed your defenses. Don’t miss this encouraging discussion.

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