Category  |  Trials

How the fractured parts of our families bring us closer to God Part 3

When a prized possession in our home shatters, we’re prone to simply throw away the pieces. Thankfully, that’s not what God does with broken things! Looking to put the pieces back together in your family?

How God may use our trials to teach other people important lessons as well Part 4

Painful circumstances or difficult seasons in our lives can teach us valuable lessons we otherwise wouldn’t have known. A fresh perspective on God’s plans.

Find Life Application For Today In The Ancient Parable Of The Prodigal Son Part 29

When life is going well, we tend to forget God’s been with us every step of the way. And unfortunately, it often takes a major loss to get our attention.

When Circumstances Are Overwhelming There’s Comfort Knowing God’s In Control Part 9

Perhaps you’re going through a tough time right now. You won't want to miss this hopeful conversation. 

A Man Who Made An Outrageous Vow To God . . . With Devastating Consequences Part 58

When times are tough and the light at the end of the tunnel is dim, people tend to make deals with God. Bargaining, if God gets them through it then they will . . . fill in the blank. 

A New Perspective To Get You Through The Tough Times Part 45

It’s easy to get caught up in the difficult circumstances of life, and miss seeing the good that comes out of hardship.

Deepening Our Friendship With God Part 71

Who do you go to when something big happens? A spouse? A best friend? By going through trials and joys together, our relationships deepen.


An Insightful Dialogue On Testing Part 70

More often than not, we don’t fully understand God’s ultimate purpose for the trials in our lives. But during those difficult times, we can hold on to the truth that God can bring good out of our pain. Perhaps you’re going through tough times right now. Find encouragement on today.  


Wondering Why God Has Allowed You To Suffer Through A Painful Circumstance? Part 69

The life of faith isn’t always black and white. It’s a mystery. In fact, sometimes it’s difficult to see God’s design behind the trials we’re forced to endure.

An Authentic Look At The Conflicts That Test Our Character Part 64

Students groan when presented with a pop quiz or final exam. And we don’t respond much differently when life sends trials our way. Perhaps you’re struggling with a difficult situation right now.


Having Trouble Trusting God With Everything In Your Life? Part 62

The things that test our faith aren’t small. Often, acting in faith means letting go of the things we love the most. And it hurts.


Encouragement For Facing Some Serious Trials Part 61

Even in our darkest moments, God is right there with us. But sometimes it’s difficult to feel His presence, isn’t it? Find refreshment right now.

Will Our Faith In God Stand The Test When The Pressure Is On And The Stakes Are High? Part 60

It can be hard to understand how a loving God can allow such difficult trials in our lives.


Encouragement For Those Running The Race Of The Christian Life Part 59

Ever feel as though the tests of your faith just keep coming? Just as soon as you leap over one hurdle, there’s another one . . . and another one. Having trouble seeing the finish line?


An Authentic Discussion On Overcoming Trials With Faith In God Part 58

From time to time, we all have tough circumstances that come into our lives. These episodes can either grow our faith . . . or destroy it.

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