Category  |  Worry

The miraculous life of Elisha Part 1

Elijah was a mighty man of valor, for about a day. Because after God gave him an amazing victory over the prophets of Baal, a threat from the opposition sent him running for cover. So how could he be a hero one day and a coward the next? It can happen to any of us if we take our eyes off God. Join the group today on "Discover the Word" as we begin a series on the miraculous life of Elisha, and how he was influenced by his mentor, Elijah.

How worry strangles our faith Part 8

I think it's safe to say that there are plenty of things you could worry about. However, we are reminded that worry can strangle our faith. Don't miss this important conversation on saying "no" to worry as we continue our series.

The Place of Testing

Programs in Series 5

Growth and maturity come only with the passing of time and in the presence of…

Discover Jesus’ response to a suffering father and son Part 5

When trials overwhelm us and we reach the end of our rope, the question we often ask is, “Lord, don’t You care?” Let's study Jesus’ response to that important question. We find His answer in Mark chapter 9. Hear the conclusion of our series.

Jesus’ interaction with a sick child and a worried dad struggling to have faith Part 3

When our son or daughter is sick all we want to do is take away their pain. We try to soothe the sickness away. But sometimes the illness is so severe, we’re rendered helpless.

Perspective that can help you see “The Beauty of Broken” Part 9

When our son wanders off course, or our daughter makes poor decisions, we may wonder if they have completely missed God’s plan for their life. Offering hope and encouragement for worried moms and dads.

How the fractured parts of our families bring us closer to God Part 3

When a prized possession in our home shatters, we’re prone to simply throw away the pieces. Thankfully, that’s not what God does with broken things! Looking to put the pieces back together in your family?

A Prescription For Overcoming Worry Part 25

So many of us are prone to worry. We churn over our kids, our jobs, and our future. Let's look at Matthew 6, verse 24. Perhaps you’ve been anxious lately.

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