How what is happening in our lives is evidence of the fruit of the Spirit! Part 13
Even a bottle labeled “fruit juice” can contain a large amount of artificial fruit flavors. It proves we can be easily fooled by inferior imitations. Let's play the part of produce inspectors and look for evidence that what is happening in our lives is 100 percent fruit of the Spirit!
Let’s allow God to cultivate godly restraint in our lives Part 12
Whether it’s taking another slice of chocolate cake, or losing our temper when frustrated, self-control can be difficult to maintain. But it’s a virtue we all need! Our study of the fruit of the Spirit continues.
How biblical gentleness is the foundation of true strength Part 11
By the world’s standards, gentleness is a weakness, not a virtue! We’ve been taught it’s imperative we stand up for ourselves. Discover that biblical gentleness is not a sign of being feeble—it’s the foundation of true strength! We’re talking about one of the fruits of the Spirit.
How can we mirror the faithfulness of God? Part 10
The goal of a Christian is to act more like Jesus with every passing day. The qualities Christ exhibited, we want to exhibit as well! It’s another discussion about the fruits of the Spirit.