Category  |  David

Grace restores Part 5

Today on "Discover the Word," grace restores—that’s the final observation we’ll make as we look through the prism of grace. We will examine the story of David and Mephibosheth to illustrate that while grace is all about restoration, it doesn’t release people from the consequences of sin. Listen today on "Discover the Word"!

For grace to be given, it must be received! Part 4

Do you feel uncomfortable when people praise you? Do you tend to deflect compliments? Today on "Discover the Word," we discover that an important part of grace is learning to receive it. In the case of Saul’s grandson, Mephibosheth, he felt unworthy of David’s kindness. But for grace to be given, it must be received! Join the group today on "Discover the Word"!

Grace commits Part 3

To demonstrate God’s grace to others we need to be fully committed. Today on "Discover the Word," we continue the story of King David and Mephibosheth. David’s commitment to help Jonathan’s son was the result of a vow he made years before. Another facet of grace’s prism—grace commits. That’s today on "Discover the Word"!

Drawn in by grace Part 2

Have you ever felt like an outsider? And has anyone ever drawn you into their “circle” making you feel like you belonged? Today on "Discover the Word," we look at another way that grace is like a prism—it invites. How the story of King David and Mephibosheth encourages us to always ask, “Who can I show grace to?” A revealing part of the series “Grace Prisms” today on "Discover the Word"!

Prism of grace Part 1

Grace is like a prism. It reflects the many ways that God bends Himself in our direction to show His love. Today on "Discover the Word," we begin a study called, “Grace Prisms” with the story of King David and Mephibosheth. Hard name to say, and an even harder story to grasp in light of the Old Testament’s “kill or be killed” culture. “Grace Prisms”—join the study . . . today on "Discover the Word"!

Experiencing God through nature Part 2

Who taught David about God when he was young? Today, "Our Daily Bread for Kids" author Crystal Bowman joins us to discuss what you can learn about David’s early experiences with God through his lyrics in the Psalms. And one of the ways God spoke to him was through nature, while he was tending sheep. Don’t miss the discussion today on "Discover the Word"!

Take An Honest Look At God’s Grace-filled Work Through His People Part 34

So often we think God can’t use us because of all the mistakes we’ve made. And yet, the Bible has countless examples of ordinary, imperfect people used by a holy God.

Examine How The Account Of David In The Bible Impacts Our Lives Today Part 29

Stories have a way of communicating more than just words. They enlighten our own experiences and let us step into the experiences of others.

Enjoy The Best Loved Poem In All The Scriptures . . . Psalm 23 Part 11

So . . . do you read much poetry? In today’s fast-paced world, not many of us have time to slow down and savor a well-written verse.

Let’s Uncover The True Story Of David And Goliath Part 3

The story of David and Goliath is timeless . . . often used to describe business competitors or schoolyard bullies. But this isn’t a fabricated fairytale designed to give the underdog a chance to win.

Haddon Robinson Presents A Special First-hand Account Of King David Part 2

In ancient times, stories were passed around by word of mouth. Even today, families reminisce about days gone by through storytelling. Hear how David’s experiences as a young boy prepared him to be the king of a nation. 

The Life Of David, A Man After God’s Own Heart Part 1

Most likely you’ve heard the story of David and Goliath. But did you know that one boy with a slingshot grew up to be the greatest king of ancient Israel? 

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