Seeing a needy world in a new way Part 8
The actions and attitudes of an unbelieving world can be shocking at times. The behavior of unbelievers shouldn’t surprise us. God doesn’t ask people to behave in order to belong.
How understanding the progression of faith helps us lead others down that same path! Part 7
When is the exact moment a person becomes a Christian? Is it after they say a prayer? After baptism? Or is being a follower of Jesus a lifelong journey? Let's discuss the process of becoming a Christian.
Calming our fears about evangelism Part 6
When it comes to sharing our faith, sometimes we’re hesitant to even start the conversation. What if we’re asked a question we can’t answer? We may not be able to offer every solution, but we can point others to the ultimate Answer!
How we all can shine the light of Christ! Part 2
A spotlight can illuminate a stadium. A flashlight may only brighten a small patch of ground. But regardless of the scope or magnitude, both still light up the darkness! Let's discuss how there may be varying degrees of giftedness, but we all can shine the light of Christ!
Discover your God-given potential Part 1
Typically, we consider evangelists to be super-Christians. They’re the ones leading thousands to faith in stadiums or traveling across the world to share the gospel. How every believer is gifted to be a successful evangelist.
Shine—I Can Evangelism
Most of us are more than willing to share the love we have personally experienced…
Let’s explore Jesus’ final answer to the question, What is the greatest commandment? Part 5
No matter what question was thrown at Him, Jesus had an answer. And in Mark chapter 12, Jesus gave an explanation so insightful, the leaders and teachers were left speechless! Don’t miss the wrap up of our study in Mark 12.
How Jesus summarizes the entire law of God into one simple command Part 2
Jewish tradition teaches that there are 613 different commandments in the Bible. That’s one long list of rules! More from our study in Mark chapter 12.
It’s all about love Part 1
A well-known band once sang, “all you need is love.” Turns out, they weren’t far off! Let's begin a brand new study in Mark chapter 12. Discover how Jesus takes every law and commandment, and boils it down into one simple concept!
Discover how having wisdom impacts what we say Part 9
Our words can either build others up, or tear them down. Hear the challenging study in Proverbs 31.
Discover why wisdom requires diligence Part 8
When we make today’s priorities tomorrow’s problem, and push deadlines to the last minute, we know procrastination has set in! It's a practical reminder from Proverbs 31.