The importance of loving the unlovable Part 8
We see a reflection of God’s character in those who love and care for people in pain. An important message on caring for those who would otherwise be turned away.
Let’s compare an ancient Hebrew tradition with its modern-day likeness Part 7
Sometimes in order to understand the stories in the Bible, we need to have a basic knowledge of the customs of that culture.
How you can take advantage of good opportunities in a God-honoring way Part 6
A person of character doesn’t have to be weak. In fact, a person of character can be shrewd! Find practical wisdom in the book of Ruth.
Discover how looking out for others reaps generous rewards Part 5
According to the Bible, God honors those who look to serve others before themselves. Find timeless lessons from the book of Ruth.
The story of Ruth comes to life in a special dramatic reading Part 4
Some of the customs in the Bible don’t always make sense in light of the culture we grew up in. But to the men and women in ancient biblical times, they made perfect sense! See one of the ancient customs in action.
Find out how God is at work, in both big and small ways Part 3
Some decisions alter the course of our life forever. It could be a simple choice that doesn’t seem all that important in the moment, but turns out to have great significance in years to come. Let's continue a fascinating study on the book of Ruth.
Eliminating the habits and ideas that hinder our walk with God Part 2
It’s not easy to express our faith in a culture that adheres to standards that differ from our own. Encouragement for us to consider the environment in which we live.
How the culture of ancient Bethlehem impacted the lives of Ruth and her contemporaries Part 1
The culture in which we live has immense impact on how we view the world and how we express our faith. An insightful look at Ruth chapter four.
Are God’s gifts evident in your life? Part 31
James 1:17 states, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father.” Let's discuss this verse in light of our study in the book of Ruth.
Find practical insight for living the life of faith Part 30
The stories in the Bible aren’t mere fiction. They’re a historical account of flesh and blood men and women just like you and me! Let's continue an in-depth dialogue on the book of Ruth.
What it means to love your spouse over a lifetime Part 29
Is it the spark, the initial attraction, that keeps a relationship going over the years? Or do we need something more than romance to sustain a marriage?
A helpful discussion on godly character in a marriage relationship Part 28
A timely reminder that godly character in a marriage relationship is more important than the momentary butterflies we get when we fall in love.
Let’s look at examples of loyal love shown in practical, everyday situations Part 27
There’s no better way to understand the loyal love of God, than to see it at work in people’s lives. Perhaps you, or someone you know, care for an aging parent, or a family member with a difficult medical condition.
Find practical life lessons for extending God’s faithful, loyal love to others Part 26
There’s a lot we can learn about how to interact with others from the loyal love God shows us personally. Let's unravel the intricacies of the Hebrew term for this remarkable love: "hesed."
The Hebrew term "hesed" and what it means for our lives today Part 25
God has a loyal love for His children that stretches into eternity! No matter how many times we fail Him, God’s unending love for us never fails! Let's study the Hebrew term "hesed" and what it means for our lives today. Perhaps you could use a word of encouragement today.