The Realities Of Keeping Our Motives Pure Part 10
If we’re honest with ourselves, and take a good look at our motives, our actions aren’t always as pure as we’d like to think. Doing the right things for the wrong reason can put a real damper on serving others.
Discover What It Means To Maintain A Pure Heart, With Pure Motives Part 9
When we try to protect our own agenda, it’s not easy to keep our motives pure. In fact, sometimes we do the right things, but for the wrong reasons. So how do we get out of that trap?
The Sacred Celebration Of Communion Part 7
If you grew up in a church that celebrates communion, you know how meaningful it is to remember our Savior’s sacrifice. Let's reflect on this sacred celebration that's at the core of our faith.
Discover Jesus’ Perspective On Servanthood Part 6
When you hear the term servant, what comes to your mind? In our culture, it’s often seen as a derogatory term, perhaps even akin to slavery. Let's explore Jesus’ last supper with His disciples, where He teaches us to serve one another.
Does The Bible Advocate Befriending People Of Other Religious Convictions? Part 36
How far should we go in trying to evangelize those who chose a different faith walk than our own?
Some Key Elements Of Strong Leadership Part 12
What qualities make for a strong leader? If you look at the various Presidents over the past few decades, you’ll notice they all have very different governing styles and personalities.
A Biblical Definition Of Service And How It Applies To All Our Relationships, Especially Those In The Home Part 22
It can seem humbling to serve others—you sometimes feel like a servant. Serving almost implies that the other person has control over you and your actions. But the Bible is clear that Christians serve.
Having A Hard Time Sharing Christ With Others? Part 78
For many of us, declaring our faith in front of an audience is a frightening prospect. In an unbelieving culture, it can be difficult to boldly share your beliefs.
An Authentic Discussion On The Difficulties Of Standing Up For What We Believe Part 37
Sometimes following God’s will brings opposition from those around us. Especially those who are affected by the decisions we make.
The Difficulties And Rewards When Our Beliefs Are On Display Part 36
Sometimes it feels safer to keep our faith in God private. In doing so, we don’t have to put ourselves on the line. But “closet Christians” miss out on the best God has to offer.
Practical Ways To Understand The Society Around Us While Still Maintaining Our Beliefs Part 16
We’re taught to be in the world . . . but not of the world. So, as Christians, how do we reconcile our value system with a godless culture?
The Church’s Role In Our Ever-changing Society Part 14
As followers of Christ, are we called to merely separate ourselves from our culture? Hide out, and hunker down? Or should we be reaching out to redeem and change the world around us?
Reaching The World Without Letting Its Values Infiltrate The Church Part 13
In any church, it takes a lot of discernment to welcome people from all walks of life, without condoning their sinful lifestyle. How do we embrace everyone, without alienating anyone?
The Fine Line Between Influencing Our Culture And Becoming A Part Of It Part 11
Most people don’t like standing out in a crowd. And yet, that’s what we’re called to do as Christians. We’re called to be different from the world around us.
God Will Faithfully Stand By His People Part 49
Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, in the business world, or working at a church, God has called you to minister to those around you. It’s not an easy calling . . . you will run into plenty of opposition along the way.