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Discover the surprising connections between Jacob and Jesus Part 4B

More than a millennium separates Jacob, the father of Israel, and Jesus, the promised Savior. Let's study one such link between Jacob and Jesus—snakes. Pull up a chair and be a part of the conversation.

Where do we turn when life gets out of hand? Part 4

It’s a dad’s job to fix what’s broken. But what can a father do when he’s powerless to heal his own family? Let's look at a conversation between Jesus and a desperate dad with an overwhelming need.

One principle for peaceful conflict negotiating Part 2

Try as we might, we’ll never be able to avoid conflict for long. So, if we can’t run from them, how do we face our battles biblically? It starts with our mindset!

A conversation on Jesus’ love for us Part 5

In Mark chapter 5 we find the stories of two women. One has been battling health problems for years. The other is a little girl on the brink of death. But both of their stories change forever when Jesus shows up.

Discover the lengths to which Jesus went to prove His love for us Part 4

Love is an over-used word these days. We use it to express our affection for a spouse, or to show appreciation for a really good dinner! But what does it mean to truly love someone?

A moving portrayal of God’s love for His children Part 3

Life is full of interruptions. And our usual response to these disruptions is annoyance. But that’s not the case with Jesus! Let's look at how Jesus took a break from His plans, to touch a person in need.

Waiting for God to show up Part 2

Anticipating medical test results, standing in a long line, sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic, sometimes waiting seems impossible! Let's study a passage in Mark chapter 5 where a woman has been waiting 12 years for God to show up and heal her. What was taking Him so long?

Jesus cares for and redeems the people our world typically tosses aside Part 1

Ever stopped to think about how much garbage we throw away? Once something stops being useful, into the trash it goes! An insightful conversation about a story in Mark chapter 5.

Discover a greater story that impacts each of us personally Part 5

The story of Jesus and the leper could just be another amazing miracle in the Bible with no relevance to our lives today. There’s a greater story at play here. One that impacts each of us personally!

Discover the God who cares Part 4

You might be able to fake a smile. Perhaps even force some tears. But one emotion it’s impossible to counterfeit is true compassion. A biblical illustration of Jesus’ genuine compassion for us.

A powerful illustration on the compassion of Christ Part 3

Let's continue our study in Mark, chapter one. It’s the story of a man stricken with a deadly disease, and his personal appointment with the Great Physician, Jesus Christ.

How desperation led one man to brave embarrassment and rejection in order to see Jesus Part 2

When we’re out of answers, desperation sets in. And often we’re led to do things we normally wouldn’t even consider!

Let’s look at how Jesus touches the untouchable Part 1

Leprosy is a deadly skin disease that leaves its victims disfigured and feeling rejected and completely unlovable. It’s the story of God’s healing of one leper, and us. A brand new series in Mark, chapter 1.

Find encouragement for your walk with God Part 5

Ever feel like your faith is being tested? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! The group, with special guest Carol Kuykendall, share their own personal trials of faith and how God came through each and every time.

Discover how God’s provision often comes when we are in a place of surrender Part 4

Sometimes it takes drastic circumstances to lead us to depend on God. Perhaps you’re going through a particularly difficult season right now. Biblical and personal examples of God's provision when we surrender to Him.

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