Seeing a needy world in a new way Part 8
The actions and attitudes of an unbelieving world can be shocking at times. The behavior of unbelievers shouldn’t surprise us. God doesn’t ask people to behave in order to belong.
How understanding the progression of faith helps us lead others down that same path! Part 7
When is the exact moment a person becomes a Christian? Is it after they say a prayer? After baptism? Or is being a follower of Jesus a lifelong journey? Let's discuss the process of becoming a Christian.
The Difficulties And Rewards When Our Beliefs Are On Display Part 36
Sometimes it feels safer to keep our faith in God private. In doing so, we don’t have to put ourselves on the line. But “closet Christians” miss out on the best God has to offer.
Practical Ways To Understand The Society Around Us While Still Maintaining Our Beliefs Part 16
We’re taught to be in the world . . . but not of the world. So, as Christians, how do we reconcile our value system with a godless culture?
How To Respond With Grace To Those Who Oppose Christianity Part 38
In this world of increasing options, Christians are sometimes looked upon as being intolerant of other walks of faith. Solid counsel on how to respond with grace to those who oppose Christianity.