Practical Ways To Understand The Society Around Us While Still Maintaining Our Beliefs Part 16
We’re taught to be in the world . . . but not of the world. So, as Christians, how do we reconcile our value system with a godless culture?
The Church’s Role In Our Ever-changing Society Part 14
As followers of Christ, are we called to merely separate ourselves from our culture? Hide out, and hunker down? Or should we be reaching out to redeem and change the world around us?
Reaching The World Without Letting Its Values Infiltrate The Church Part 13
In any church, it takes a lot of discernment to welcome people from all walks of life, without condoning their sinful lifestyle. How do we embrace everyone, without alienating anyone?
The Fine Line Between Influencing Our Culture And Becoming A Part Of It Part 11
Most people don’t like standing out in a crowd. And yet, that’s what we’re called to do as Christians. We’re called to be different from the world around us.
How To Respond With Grace To Those Who Oppose Christianity Part 38
In this world of increasing options, Christians are sometimes looked upon as being intolerant of other walks of faith. Solid counsel on how to respond with grace to those who oppose Christianity.
A Discussion On The Heart Of Faith--trusting In Jesus Christ Part 27
Do you have a conversion story? Is there a specific moment in your past where you accepted Jesus into your life? Or was your faith a process? A series of events? Whether your beliefs took shape over time or in an instant . . .