What Love Means In A Healthy Marriage Part 17
If we were to ask one hundred people to define the word, “love,” we’d probably get a hundred different answers! Perhaps you’re struggling in your relationship right now.
What Makes A Marriage Last After The Honeymoon Is Over? Part 16
A bride dreams about her wedding day years before she walks the aisle. She chooses the dress, the flowers, the music . . . tirelessly planning the big day. But marriage is so much more than a wedding ceremony.
The True Meaning Of Commitment Part 15
For some marriages, the good times end right after the marriage ceremony is over, while other marriages flourish and deepen over time. Ever wonder what it takes to make it through the long haul in your relationship?
What Commitment In Marriage Is All About Part 14
What keeps good people from walking down the aisle to get married? For some, it’s the fear of commitment. They’re afraid of being tied down to responsibilities.
Encouragement To Those Struggling In Their Marriage Part 12
In a culture rampant with divorce, it’s refreshing to hear of couples that have endured the tough times.
Practical Advice For Keeping Your Marriage Safe From The Storm Part 11
Most marriages start out with the best intentions. You promise to love, honor, and cherish one another for “as long as you both shall live.” But when the storms of life are raging, those promises are hard to keep.
Biblical Encouragement And Advice For Your Marriage Part 7
Maintaining a good marriage takes lots of energy and effort. Is your relationship is going through rocky times right now? Find encouragement with us today.
What It Means To Really Commit To Your Spouse Part 4
Even a good marriage can have a bad day. But that single moment doesn’t need to spoil the entire journey. Practical advice on safeguarding your marriage.
The Importance Of Marriage Vows Part 3
Committing yourself to someone else for a lifetime is a significant step! Practical ways to build a healthy marriage.
Hope For Even The Most Tenuous Marriage Relationships Part 2
It takes a lot of work to sustain a good marriage. And when times get tough, it may even look easier to find a way out rather than a way through.