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A revealing discussion about unity in the church Part 9

When an issue is debated in church, we are quick to explain our convictions. But are we just as fast to stand up for unity? Let's discuss why it’s often easier to focus on our Christian differences rather than on Christlike harmony.

How to stay united even when we don’t agree Part 8

What are some of the hot topics that really get your blood boiling? Let's discuss some of the things followers of Christ argue about.

Following the example of our heavenly Father can help us find unity with the people in our lives Part 7

In spite of our hang-ups, quirks, and blatant flaws, God welcomed us into His family with open arms! Our study in Romans 14 continues.

Let’s interview members of the early church to see how they handled disagreements Part 6

If you’ve ever disagreed with someone in your church about a serious issue, you know the conversations can escalate into full-blown conflict! So how do we relate well to other Christians during a dispute?

Another thought-provoking message in a series on unity in the church Part 5

There are some differences of opinion that could tear a community apart. Let's look at a disagreement that arose in the early church over the food they had to eat.

Find guidance for dealing with differences in a biblical way Part 4

Even in the early church, men and women had different opinions about how their faith should be lived out in their day-to-day lives. Let's study Romans chapter 14.

How to maintain harmony in the midst of conflict Part 3

Music, politics, appearance. Christians disagree over many different issues. So is it even possible to find unity among the followers of Christ? An important lesson from Romans 14.

Discover healthy ways to remain united with those we disagree with Part 2

You’ll find that even in a healthy marriage, husbands and wives can butt heads. And if we’re not careful, those conflicts can cause a lot of trauma in the family. Let's apply some marriage principles to our relationships with other followers of Christ.

Biblical characteristic that will identify us as followers of Christ Part 1

We may not wear shirts emblazoned with the words “I’m a Christian!” But there are ways to let people know we follow Christ. It’s a discussion on unity.

How to listen to God’s Word in a fresh way Part 26

When our hearing is impaired, sounds that were once sharp, become dull and muffled. How the same thing can happen when our spiritual hearing is damaged.

Practical ways to follow the example of the Good Samaritan, and be good stewards of our time and resources Part 25

There are many different charities and organizations around the world in need of resources. As followers of Christ, are we called to help everyone who holds out their hand?

What it means to live by the spirit of the Law Part 24

If we are called to love our neighbor, who does that include? Let's study Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan and what it tells us about loving others.

A fresh perspective on the story of the Good Samaritan Part 23

In Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan, we tend to point a finger at those who passed by the wounded man. But what if they had good reason to look the other way?

Looking at how Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan leaves little space for interpretation Part 22

An unscrupulous lawyer is always on the lookout for a loophole in the law. But when a crafty attorney tried to pick holes in God’s Law, Jesus left him no wiggle room.

Find out why the spirit of the Law is so critical, and why the letter of the Law isn’t enough by itself Part 21

Jesus’ teaching on the law goes beyond practical dos and don’ts of good behavior. Ultimately, the spirit of the law addresses the motivations of our hearts.

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