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Discover what the Law can, and cannot do Part 20

The Ten Commandments were written to a culture and people far removed from our own. So can these ancient directives still teach us how to live today? Our study of the letter and spirit of the Law continues.

Discover the difference between living by the spirit of the Law and the letter of the Law Part 19

Just as toddlers push the limits of their parents’ rules, as children of God we tend to look for loopholes in the Law to get our own way. A study of Jesus’ teaching in Luke chapter ten.

Discover the priority and goal of the Ten Commandments Part 18

It’s wonderful to find practical application in our study of the Bible, but is that the sole purpose of God’s Word? Be part of the discussion.

Is God’s Law a standard that can’t be met, or a goal worth striving toward? Part 17

When it comes to understanding the role the Ten Commandments play in our lives, there are two distinct perspectives. Fresh perspective for your day.

Discover how the Ten Commandments point us in the direction of the Savior Part 16

If we see the law as a measuring stick, we’re bound to be discouraged. But if we view God’s commandments as a compass, we’ll be headed in the right direction! Get a fresh perspective on God’s law.

Old Testament Law in the life of New Testament Christians Part 15

As followers of Christ, we’re not under the law, but under grace. So do the commandments in the Old Testament have any relevance for us today?

God’s commands are His way of protecting His children Part 14

Good parents know that rules are there to help our kids, not to hurt them. Those guidelines are evidence of parental love! A challenging study of the Ten Commandments.

How a distorted view of the Law can impact our understanding of God Part 13

There are two ways we can view God’s law, either as a document declaring our freedom, or as a censure curbing our pleasure. Let's go back to the garden of Eden to reveal how a distorted view of the Law impacts our understanding of God.

Discover Satan’s role in temptation, and how to avoid being drawn into his snare Part 12

Behind our political, economic, and social structures is another system at work in the world that has more control than we realize. It’s spiritual in nature and evil in purpose.

Discover how temptation is really a choice, to either love God or to go against Him Part 10

Cornered with an enticing temptation, and seeing no way out, it’s easy to believe that giving in is the only option. Another interesting study on the role of the Ten Commandments.

Find out how the Ten Commandments can offer us true freedom Part 9

According to the “Discover the Word” team, sin is a desire to be free from God. Let's study the Ten Commandments and discover that instead of restricting us, they actually offer us true freedom.

How a study of the Ten Commandments can reveal sin, and lead us to freedom in Christ Part 8

The annual visit to the doctor’s office can be an unpleasant experience. But that check-up could be the very thing that saves our life!

Discover what the apostle Paul said about the Law Part 7

No matter our age, rules and regulations have an uncanny way of making rebels out of the best of us. Do you think it's true, the more we’re told not to do something, the more we want to do it? An interesting study of the Ten Commandments.

Discover how the Ten Commandments play into God’s plan of salvation Part 6

In light of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross, it’s easy to assume the Ten Commandments don’t apply to us today. Let's look at the apostle Paul’s treatise on the balance between law and grace, and find that the commandments play a vital role in God’s plan of salvation. A study of Romans 7.

How the Ten Commandments point us to Christ Part 5

Some may think the Ten Commandments are archaic rules that don’t apply to our lives today. Discover how the commandments are an integral part of the bigger picture of God’s work through history, and ultimately point us to Christ.

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