Category  |  Father

Let’s Turn Our Attention To The Elder Brother In The Story Of The Prodigal Son Part 42

The story in the New Testament of the prodigal son isn’t intended to focus solely on the younger brother and his strained relationship with his father.

Let’s Look At The Father’s Role In The Parable Of The Prodigal Son Part 40

When someone mistreats us, or someone we love, our instinct is to make them pay for the hurt they’ve caused. An inspirational message of a father's unconditional forgiveness and grace.

Discover The Unconditional Love God Has For You And Me Part 39

If you’re a parent, you know what it means to love your son or daughter, even when they make mistakes. Let's look at the unconditional love God has for each of His children.

The Undeserved Grace That Is Available Through Jesus Christ Part 37

We’ve all made a mess of our lives at some point or another. But no matter what poor choices we’ve made, God welcomes us home with open arms.

Bringing The Familiar Story Of The Prodigal Son To Life Part 36

Sometimes it’s easy to read the Bible without becoming personally engaged in its stories. Let's talk about the Prodigal Son and offer a realistic picture of what would happen if this event took place today.

Take A Candid Look At Jesus’ Parable Of The Prodigal Son Part 28

Sometimes we have to go down the wrong road before we come to our senses. Perhaps you have a friend or loved one heading down a destructive path.

Gain Insight Into Our Relationship With God When You Look At The Story Of The Prodigal Son Part 25

No matter how hard we try to separate ourselves from God, we can’t. Our very breath comes from Him! Delve into the teaching of Jesus and take a refreshing look at the story of the Prodigal Son.

Discover Some Shocking Truths Found In Jesus’ Parable Of The Prodigal Son Part 23

It’s not uncommon to get your affairs in order as you get older. But for a child to ask for their inheritance while their parents are still alive, it’s just not done!

Do You Know Someone Who’s Followed After Their Desires, Only To Find Emptiness And Loss? Part 22

The parable of the prodigal son is a familiar one. And like the boy in the story, many of us know someone who’s followed after their desires, only to find emptiness and loss as a result. Explore this powerful teaching.

Discover How Our View Of God Impacts The Way We Live Part 21

How do you picture God? Is He a stern dictator, waiting for you to make a wrong move? Or perhaps you see Him as a divine Santa Claus, showering down gifts on the good people.

Have You Ever Longed For A Place Of Love And Acceptance? Part 20

Some anecdotes are timeless. They speak to people across generations, across cultures. Let's study Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son.

How God Helps Those Who Are Lost Find Their Way Back Home Part 19

Nobody sets out deliberately to get lost. You just go along making choices until suddenly you look around and wonder how you got here.

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