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Overcoming Barriers To Prayer Part 40

Monday, February 26, 2007

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector, Part 40 of 44

TEXT: "Also [Jesus] spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: 'Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, "God,…

The Importance Of Having An Open Dialogue With God Part 39

It’s tempting to pray so that others will be impressed with your spiritual depth. But the kind of prayer that God hears . . . and responds to . . . is that of an honest, transparent heart. A refreshing discussion on prayer.

An Honest Discussion On Who We Are In Relation To Our Creator Part 34

Have you ever experienced moments of clear understanding . . . when you caught a glimpse of God’s character?

A Challenge To Continue Our Pursuit Of God, No Matter How Silent He Seems Part 33

When we call out to God for help, sometimes it feels like the only thing we get in return . . . is silence. But the truth is, God seeks us out long before we pursue Him.

A Practical Look At Breaking Free From Our Self-imposed Laws Part 9

Ever find yourself sticking to a bunch of man-made “rules,” trying like crazy to be good enough to earn God’s favor? Well, sometimes it’s easier to follow a list of rules, rather than develop a real relationship with Him.

What If God Asked You . . . “am I Enough?” Part 74

Often we want God plus something else . . . God and a husband, or God and a healthy family. But what if God asked you . . . “Am I enough? Even without these blessings?”


Deepening Our Friendship With God Part 71

Who do you go to when something big happens? A spouse? A best friend? By going through trials and joys together, our relationships deepen.


An Insightful Dialogue On Testing Part 70

More often than not, we don’t fully understand God’s ultimate purpose for the trials in our lives. But during those difficult times, we can hold on to the truth that God can bring good out of our pain. Perhaps you’re going through tough times right now. Find encouragement on today.  


Let’s Uncover The Ways God Reveals Himself To Us Part 65

Everyone’s journey of faith is uniquely scripted. We start out knowing a little bit about God, but as we experience Him through the different trials and joys of life, our understanding grows deeper. Perhaps you’re having trouble seeing God in your present circumstance.

Learning How To Build A Deeper Confidence In God Part 43

Trusting God is paramount in developing a close relationship with Him. So how do we build a deeper confidence in God?

What It Means To Be “blameless” Before God Part 29

Genesis 17 verse 1, says “God came to Abraham and said, ‘I am Almighty God.  Walk before Me and be blameless.’” Does that mean we need to live perfect lives? If so, it seems that perfection isn’t happening any time soon! 

New Perspective On The Metaphors In The Bible Part 28

Walk with God . . . running the good race . . . I am the vine, you are the branches . . . those phrases all portray the Christian life. Unfortunately, sometimes these biblical references become clichés when over-used. 

How God Interacts With Us On A Daily Basis . . . Through Good Times And Bad Part 19

Does receiving blessings mean everything in life is going great? Or is it possible to receive God’s blessings even in the darkest times?

How To Respond With Grace To Those Who Oppose Christianity Part 38

In this world of increasing options, Christians are sometimes looked upon as being intolerant of other walks of faith. Solid counsel on how to respond with grace to those who oppose Christianity.

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