Category  |  Growth

Elijah’s last miracle became Elisha’s first Part 5

Today on "Discover the Word," we will continue the series on “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” by talking about Elisha’s transition from Elijah’s assistant, to his successor. Elijah was gone and so, it seemed, was Israel’s main spiritual defense. But now it was Elisha’s turn. And interestingly, Elijah’s last miracle became Elisha’s first. A fascinating twist to the conversation today on "Discover the Word"!

The not-so-secret ingredient to gain quality of life Part 3

The notion of living an abundant life in Christ beckons all of us. But how do we get the kind of life Jesus wants to give us? Today a continuation of our study in James will reveal the not-so-secret ingredient. It's a discussion you don't want to miss!

Lessons from the healing of a blind man Part 2

Scripture tells us that God often works in mysterious ways. Why we don’t need to know all the reasons to appreciate God’s amazing work.

What Ruth’s commitment can show us about our commitment to Christ Part 17

When we put our trust in Jesus Christ, we turn from our old life and embrace a new one. Let's examine the ramifications of Ruth’s commitment to her mother-in-law and what we can learn from it.

Discover Ways To Live Out Our Faith Daily Part 5

Love, joy, peace, patience . . . the fruit of the Spirit are evidences of God’s work in our lives.

How God Can And Will Meet Our Deepest Longings Part 31

There’s a deep hunger in our souls that can’t be satisfied by material possessions or even by the people we love. Feel like nothing will fill the void in your life?

Discover Why Only God Can Fill The Void In Our Lives Part 30

So often we try to fill the longing in our hearts with things. Stuff. We think, once I have that new job, or that new house, I’ll be satisfied. Only God can fill the void in our lives. Nothing else comes close.

What Does God Really Want From You? Part 44

Sometimes we think of Christianity as a bunch of rules and regulations . . . do this, don’t do that and if you stay on track, you’ll earn a place in heaven. But God wants so much more from us than a performance! Revitalize your walk with God.

Our Daily Need For God’s Mercy Part 32

No matter how old we get, or how much we’ve learned in our walk with Christ, we never outgrow our need for grace. Perhaps you need to draw on that truth today.

What If God Asked You . . . “am I Enough?” Part 74

Often we want God plus something else . . . God and a husband, or God and a healthy family. But what if God asked you . . . “Am I enough? Even without these blessings?”


Let’s Uncover The Ways God Reveals Himself To Us Part 65

Everyone’s journey of faith is uniquely scripted. We start out knowing a little bit about God, but as we experience Him through the different trials and joys of life, our understanding grows deeper. Perhaps you’re having trouble seeing God in your present circumstance.

What It Means To Become A Believer In Christ Part 31

The decision to follow Christ shouldn’t be made lightly. It affects not only your future here on earth, but your eternal destiny, as well. Is it simply a one-time statement? Or a decision that changes your entire future? 


The Process Of Growing Strong In The Christian Life. Part 30

Becoming a Christian begins with having faith in God. But it actually represents a lifetime decision to mature into the man or woman God has called you to be. 

Abandoning Our Way . . . For God's Way Part 45

It takes more than an intellectual decision or even deep-felt emotion to follow Christ. It takes action. When God calls you somewhere, it’s the Christian’s responsibility to follow where He leads.


Insight For Hard Times Part 25

In the midst of trials, we often reminisce on the “good ol’ days” and wish we were there again. But dwelling on the past keeps us from embracing the future. Abraham followed God’s leading by putting the past behind him . . . and that’s a good lesson for us today.

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