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How wide is God’s love for us? Part 2

What do you think of when you hear the term, “wide open spaces”? Does it give you a feeling of freedom? Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss what the apostle Paul meant when he talked about how wide God’s love for us is. How is it possible that God’s love is wide enough to embrace the whole world?

God knows us and loves us anyway Part 2

Are there certain friends in your past who you would rather not get in touch with today because they knew you when you weren’t at your best stage of life? Today on "Discover the Word," we'll talk about how God knows everything about us, our full story, yet loves us anyway. Don’t miss the discussion today on "Discover the Word"!

Take an honest look at the character of love Part 4

There are times when love comes naturally. On our wedding day or at the birth of a child love is easy. Discover that the fruit of the Spirit is most evident when we love when it’s hard!

How to live for an audience and approval of One Part 4

Though we may deny it at times, most of us care what people think of us. Our self-image is often wrapped up in the opinions of others! It’s a lesson learned from a Roman centurion.

Let’s continue our study on the Roman centurion in Matthew 8 Part 3

It’s been said that the best test of a person’s character is how he treats people who have nothing to offer. How this soldier cared for those close to him is a good example for all of us!

Discover a Roman soldier’s love for God’s people, and the faith that selfless compassion reveals Part 2

It’s easy to love those who love you back. But it’s much harder to love those who despise you!

Let’s explore Jesus’ final answer to the question, What is the greatest commandment? Part 5

No matter what question was thrown at Him, Jesus had an answer. And in Mark chapter 12, Jesus gave an explanation so insightful, the leaders and teachers were left speechless! Don’t miss the wrap up of our study in Mark 12.

Discover how at the heart of God’s laws is His desire for a loving relationship Part 4

Some people think God is all about rules and regulations. Be a part of the discussion from Mark chapter 12

Discover how the actions of loving God cause a reaction of loving others! Part 3

What do Isaac Newton’s third law of motion and the greatest biblical commandment have in common? Discover a biblical principle at work.

How Jesus summarizes the entire law of God into one simple command Part 2

Jewish tradition teaches that there are 613 different commandments in the Bible. That’s one long list of rules! More from our study in Mark chapter 12.

It’s all about love Part 1

A well-known band once sang, “all you need is love.” Turns out, they weren’t far off! Let's begin a brand new study in Mark chapter 12. Discover how Jesus takes every law and commandment, and boils it down into one simple concept!

Discover God’s visible love for you, even in the midst of trials Part 2

The Bible defines faith as “trusting in what you cannot see.” But it’s hard to trust in God’s goodness when life is falling apart around us. Let's explore a passage in Scripture that offers us a fresh perspective on faith.

Continuing our series on Jacob, and discovering how God is for us! Part 13

Ever felt like you and the Lord were going toe-to-toe over an issue in your life? Let's study Genesis chapter 32 and Jacob’s wrestling match with God. We’ll discover that God is not against us, but rather, He’s for us!

What will your legacy be? Part 14

Each day we write another chapter in our own personal legacy. So when you finally leave this earth, what kind of story will you leave behind? Let's discuss how we want to be remembered, and that’s as people who were loved!

How to repair and reinforce sibling relationships with biblical love Part 11

They were the people we grew up with. And whether we enjoyed a close relationship with our siblings, or never really knew them, sometimes our brothers and sisters are the hardest people to love! Ready to reconnect with your family?

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