Category  |  Love For

What Does It Mean To Truly Express Love To Our Family And Our Neighbors? Part 19

When we follow God, everything we say and do is a representation of God to the world.

How Can We Serve God In A Secular Work Place? Part 18

Is genuine ministry restricted to those in the clergy, or to those who work for a Christian organization? God can work through us no matter where we’re employed!

What The Greatest Commandment Should Look Like In Our Daily Life Part 17

If we’re honest with ourselves, we often fall short of the kind of love we should express to God and to others. Let's look at Matthew chapter 22.

The Importance Of Love And How To Live It Out Each Day With Focus Part 16

In Matthew chapter 22, Jesus gave us the greatest commandment, to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

A Compelling Discussion On God’s View Of Work Part 12

We all have daily responsibilities, whether paid or unpaid, public or private. And when we do our work with the right spirit and attitude, God is honored!

What Offering Can We Give Back To God? Part 7

The holiday season is a special time to reflect on God’s generosity to us, expressed in the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. Let's take gift-giving to the next level and discuss what we can give back to God.

Look To Scripture And Find Reassurance That God Will Meet Your Every Need Part 26

When it comes down to it, too much of our time is spent worrying about our daily needs. Keeping food on the table, clothes on our backs, and putting fuel in the gas tank.

The Desires Of Our Heart And Staying Focused On What Really Matters Part 23

Where are your priorities right now? Are you focused on things that have eternal value? Or are the tangibles, finances, jobs, stuff, vying for your attention?

A Discussion About The Basic Elements Of Poetry In The Old Testament Part 17

Have you ever tried to write your own psalm? Well, according to the team at “Discover the Word,” it’s a great way to express your heart to God . . . and can be a meaningful form of worship. Enjoy a creative and inspirational discussion.

A Woman Known For Her Unsavory Past And Still Accepted By A Loving God Part 4

We’ve all made mistakes and done things we aren’t proud of . . . and yet, God continues to welcome us with open arms.

Biblical Encouragement And Advice For Your Marriage Part 7

Maintaining a good marriage takes lots of energy and effort. Is your relationship is going through rocky times right now? Find encouragement with us today. 

An Authentic Discussion On Overcoming Trials With Faith In God Part 58

From time to time, we all have tough circumstances that come into our lives. These episodes can either grow our faith . . . or destroy it.

The Difference A Deep, Committed Relationship With God Can Make In Your Life! Part 23

Friendship means a lot, doesn’t it? It brings the joy and companionship we long for in life. But have you ever thought of becoming close friends with God?

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