Category  |  Obedience

Discover What It Means To Walk In The Spirit Part 22

The Bible is full of word pictures, examples that bring biblical concepts to life. It’s a great picture of our daily interaction with God.

Do You Know What It Means To Be A Modern-day Pharisee? Part 76

Do you know someone who’s heavily invested in the rules of the Christian walk, and forgets about the affectionate relationship with the living God? Perhaps you’ve fallen into this trap a time or two!

Setting Ourselves Free, As We Improve The Attitude Of Our Heart Part 29

It’s not about what we have or don’t have. Or what we do, and don’t do. That’s a legalistic view of life.

The Profound Impact Of God’s Grace On Our Lives Part 28

No one is perfect. Even on a good day we fall well short of the mark. No, we’re not perfect, but there’s hope for us all!

How We Apply The Bible To Our Lives Affects Our Outlook On Life Part 45

Perhaps you’ve heard the axiom, “Attitude is everything.” Learn how to enhance your quiet time with God.

Practical Tools For Digging Deeper Into God’s Word Part 44

Just as schoolchildren learn how to enhance their study time for class, we can get more out of our study of the Bible by applying helpful disciplines, too.

Take An Honest Look At God’s Grace-filled Work Through His People Part 34

So often we think God can’t use us because of all the mistakes we’ve made. And yet, the Bible has countless examples of ordinary, imperfect people used by a holy God.

Even As Adults, We Can Fall Into The Trap Of Taking Advantage Of God’s Grace Part 30

We try to teach our children the difference between right and wrong. But when they disobey without consequence, our kids assume they can get away with anything!

Wondering If God Can Use You? Part 25

Even when we make mistakes, we can trust God to make something good out of our situation. Discover the ways God takes our poor choices and turns them into building blocks for accomplishing His purpose.

Could There Be A Different Conclusion To The Ancient Story Of Gideon? Part 2

Over the years, men and women have used the biblical story of Gideon to determine God’s will for their lives. If we put out our own fleece . . . then we’ll know which direction God wants us to go.

A Lively Discussion On The Consequences Of Choosing To Reject God Part 7

So many people turn their backs on God out of fear. Fear of losing control. Fear of giving up their freedom and liberties. 

A Deep Belief In God Can Be Expressed Through Our Actions Part 6

Many people think of faith as an ethereal concept . . . nothing more than wishful thinking . . . with little or  no tangible proof. Would you like a fresh perspective on faith?

Have You Come To A Crossroads In Your Life? Don’t Know Which Path To Choose? Part 54

Living by faith. It’s not an easy road to travel. We aren’t given a road map showing exactly which choices to make and which paths to follow.

Explore Some Of God's Promises That Can Help Us During Times Of Pain And Suffering Part 50

When you’re going through a tough time, are there particular Bible verses that come to your rescue? Promises from Scripture that carry you through the darkness?


What It Means To Be “blameless” Before God Part 29

Genesis 17 verse 1, says “God came to Abraham and said, ‘I am Almighty God.  Walk before Me and be blameless.’” Does that mean we need to live perfect lives? If so, it seems that perfection isn’t happening any time soon! 

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