Category  |  Power For Living

Let’s tackle the question “Where is God when I hurt?” Part 2

With so much pain and brokenness in the world, have you ever felt like God is indifferent to suffering? Like He knows where we’re hurting, but still remains distant? More from our study in Job.

Job’s place in Scripture, and the lessons we can learn from this story of faith Part 1

Compared to the uplifting or encouraging books of the Bible, the book of Job seems to stand out like a sore thumb.

Why “Lord, have mercy” should be our daily request Part 10

What is the one thing you ask God for the most? Protection for your family? Food on the table? It’s the conclusion of a study on “The Mercy Prayer.”

Discover the two probing questions Jesus asked of those looking for mercy Part 8

Jesus wants to shower you with His mercy. But first, He has some questions for you to answer. The two probing questions that Jesus asked of those looking for mercy reveal our faith and trust!

Don’t miss this compelling discussion on God’s mercy Part 5

If we ever doubt God’s love, if we’re ever uncertain about His grace, if we’re ever unclear about His mercy, we need only look toward the cross! Jesus answered the most common prayer in the Bible, “Lord, have mercy.”

Why pleading for mercy should be the cry of every Christian Part 4

When we hear about the appalling evils at work in the world today, we may be tempted to pray, “Lord, bring your justice.” But what would happen if instead we prayed, “Lord, have mercy”?

Seeing God’s mercy in a whole new way Part 2

Our world is a broken place. But there is an answer for the sin and failure we see in the world around us, and even in ourselves. Let's explore God’s mercy, and find the abundant grace and hope we desperately need!

Let’s discuss the one prayer God always answers, “Lord, have mercy” Part 1

How is it that the most evil sinner and the most compassionate saint can both experience the undeserved love of God? The answer is found in the concept of “mercy.” It’s the start of a brand-new series.

Some Spiritual Implications Behind The Well-known Fight Between David And Goliath Part 4

The classic story of David and Goliath epitomizes our instinct to cheer for the underdog. But this was far more than a battle between two strong wills. 

A Continuing In-depth Look At What It Means To Live A Life Of Faith Part 19

We may not have a perfect track record . . . but we can choose right now to believe God. That’s the essence of faith . . . believing God will keep His promises.

It Takes Courage To Serve God In A Role You Aren’t Satisfied With Part 16

Perhaps you were laid off unfairly, or were passed up for the promotion you expected. Or maybe your work at home has grown tedious. 

An Honest Look At The Saints Who Went Before Us. Need A Reality Check? Part 9

It’s not uncommon to read about heroes in the Bible and conclude they were supernatural. And yet, when you study closely . . . we realize they had doubts and concerns just like us!

A Look At The Inspirational Old Testament Story Of Deborah And Barak Part 6

Sometimes God calls us to do the impossible. We face immeasurable odds and yet, somehow, with His help . . . we make it through. A life is changed in miraculous ways.

How God Uses Ordinary People To Revolutionize A Culture Part 5

From the beginning of time, God has chosen to use men and women just like yourself to accomplish amazing things. Get in touch with your place in history!

A Weak Man Became Courageous . . . By Learning To Trust In God Part 4

The Bible is full of examples where God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. Feel inadequate right now? Like you’re ill-equipped to get the job done?

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