Category  |  Prayer

Why pleading for mercy should be the cry of every Christian Part 4

When we hear about the appalling evils at work in the world today, we may be tempted to pray, “Lord, bring your justice.” But what would happen if instead we prayed, “Lord, have mercy”?

Discover how far the mercy of the Lord reaches Part 3

Throughout Scripture, God declared that His mercy and love toward us has no limits. And He is willing to prove it! Let's discuss the great extent of God’s mercy.

Seeing God’s mercy in a whole new way Part 2

Our world is a broken place. But there is an answer for the sin and failure we see in the world around us, and even in ourselves. Let's explore God’s mercy, and find the abundant grace and hope we desperately need!

Let’s discuss the one prayer God always answers, “Lord, have mercy” Part 1

How is it that the most evil sinner and the most compassionate saint can both experience the undeserved love of God? The answer is found in the concept of “mercy.” It’s the start of a brand-new series.

How Jesus answered the prayer of a blind man in an unexpected way Part 2

Faced with a difficult problem, we analyze all the possible solutions and formulate how to achieve the best result. But God has a habit of working outside our confined expectations! We’re studying Mark chapter 8.

Prayer & the Silence of God

In our deepest time of need, we often turn to God in prayer to plead with Him for help. But what happens when those prayers go unanswered? Special guest Philip Yancey joins Haddon Robinson and Alice Mathews for a special video Discover the Word conversation where they wrestle with a question we may be thinking, but are afraid to ask: Is…

A Candid Discussion About The Realities Of Doubting God Part 6

How do you handle those times when yours prayers go unanswered and your expectations fall short? Does it make you less confident in God?

The Enormous Privilege We Have In Speaking To God Part 5

To those of us in the twenty-first century, prayer is a common occurrence. But in Old Testament times, meeting with God was a sacred act that few were allowed to do. 

God Is Closer Than You May Think! Part 28

Ever wonder if God hears your prayers? Maybe He’s taking longer to answer than you’d like. A discussion on our desire to have access to God.

Overcoming Barriers To Prayer Part 40

Monday, February 26, 2007

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector, Part 40 of 44

TEXT: "Also [Jesus] spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: 'Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, "God,…

The Importance Of Having An Open Dialogue With God Part 39

It’s tempting to pray so that others will be impressed with your spiritual depth. But the kind of prayer that God hears . . . and responds to . . . is that of an honest, transparent heart. A refreshing discussion on prayer.

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