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Discover how God’s provision often comes when we are in a place of surrender Part 4

Sometimes it takes drastic circumstances to lead us to depend on God. Perhaps you’re going through a particularly difficult season right now. Biblical and personal examples of God's provision when we surrender to Him.

Discover the healing found in surrender Part 8

How do we respond when a loved one doesn’t live up to our expectations? The Discover the Word group share personal experiences with letting go, and allowing Jesus to touch their family members’ hearts

What Ruth’s commitment can show us about our commitment to Christ Part 17

When we put our trust in Jesus Christ, we turn from our old life and embrace a new one. Let's examine the ramifications of Ruth’s commitment to her mother-in-law and what we can learn from it.

Do You Know What It Means To Be A Modern-day Pharisee? Part 76

Do you know someone who’s heavily invested in the rules of the Christian walk, and forgets about the affectionate relationship with the living God? Perhaps you’ve fallen into this trap a time or two!

An Honest Look At What The Redeemed Life Looks Like Part 55

What does it mean to become a follower of God? What are the requirements? Following a stringent list of rules? Well, the answer might surprise you.

Setting Ourselves Free, As We Improve The Attitude Of Our Heart Part 29

It’s not about what we have or don’t have. Or what we do, and don’t do. That’s a legalistic view of life.

Important Guidelines To Making Wise Decisions Part 17

Think about the turning points in your life, seasons when you faced a big decision. Did you seek out godly counsel in that situation?

Will You Follow God, Or Turn Your Back On Him? Part 16

Each of us has a choice to make, and the result of this decision will affect us in this life and the next! Discover all you need to make this all-important decision.

Find Out How The Scriptures Should Impact Our Lives Each Day Part 2

This world values wealth and affluence, but God’s Word teaches a counter-cultural principle. Our earthly possessions have nothing to do with our standing before God!

Commitment To God, Lived Out Day-to-day Can Have A Huge Impact Part 9

Often, we think the only way to make a difference in the world is to accomplish something big. But some of the biggest impact comes in ordinary expressions of faith.

How Can We Trust God When He Seems So Mysterious To Us, And Even Unknown? Part 61

We'll answer this question as we talk about Jephthah . . . an obscure Old Testament character that God honored for his strong faith.

Sometimes People Do Rash Things In The Name Of Faith Part 56

The Bible story of Jephthah has sparked intense debate over the years. Let's get to the heart of the question . . . how could this man sacrifice his own child to please God?

The Dangers Of Belief In God Without A Solid Foundation In Theology Part 51

Belief in God doesn’t necessarily mean you understand God’s character correctly. Can blind faith actually cause more harm than good?

A Man God Used In A Profound And Dramatic Way Part 48

The judges described in the Bible are different than the ones we think of today, presiding over a court of law. Let's meet one of the Old Testament judges.

Wondering If God Can Use You? Part 25

Even when we make mistakes, we can trust God to make something good out of our situation. Discover the ways God takes our poor choices and turns them into building blocks for accomplishing His purpose.

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