Category  |  Confrontation

Perhaps you could use some help resolving a personal disagreement Part 4

Embroiled in conflict, it can feel like we’re held captive to our frustration, anger, and strong opinions. What we need is a good hostage negotiator! Let's look at Abigail as an example of biblical conflict negotiation.

How our participation can lead to a peaceful resolution Part 3

When we witness conflict, our first instinct is usually to stay on the sidelines. We don’t want to get caught up in the fight! Another biblical principle for conflict.

One principle for peaceful conflict negotiating Part 2

Try as we might, we’ll never be able to avoid conflict for long. So, if we can’t run from them, how do we face our battles biblically? It starts with our mindset!

Let’s look at a story in First Samuel that proves we can reach a resolution in any conflict Part 1

Engaged in conflict, we may believe there has to be a winner and a loser. But is it possible to resolve a disagreement where everyone comes out on top?

A Discussion On How To Take Rebuke Gracefully Part 13

Have you ever been confronted for something you did that was wrong? Even the best of us make mistakes, but it doesn’t feel good when they’re pointed out! 

Sound, Biblical Advice To Resolving Disagreements In Your Marriage Part 38

No relationship is without conflict. And too often, when arguments begin . . . we spend more time attacking the other person’s character than we do addressing the root issue!

Better Solutions To Resolving Disagreements Part 37

Handling conflict in marriage is a difficult process, isn’t it? Our natural tendency is to walk away, or even worse . . . say things we’ll regret later.

The Dangers Of Avoiding Conflict In Marriage Part 36

Unaddressed issues are the enemy of strong, healthy marriages. Biblical advice on how to resolve disagreements in your home . . .

Practical Tools To Get Through Those Tough Conversations Part 35

When disagreements flare up in relationships . . . you can’t always shy away from confrontation. Sometimes the issue is just too big to let go. Struggling through an issue with a loved one?

Practical Ways To Handle Those Touchy Situations At Home Part 34

Anger isn’t unique to marriage . . . but it can certainly be intensified within the close relationship between husband and wife. Perhaps you’re dealing with a particular “hot spot” in your relationship.

Ways To Break Through Disagreements And Get To The Heart Of The Matter Part 32

Communication is key to developing a close, intimate relationship with your spouse. But often, it’s in open dialogue that conflict arises! Sound familiar?

Ways To Resolve Disagreements In A Healthy, Positive Way Part 30

Conflict is a part of life . . . and often a part of marriage! It’s nearly impossible to bring two different perspectives into a relationship and never disagree on something.

Hot Topics That Start Quarrels Among Couples Part 29

It’s impossible for two people to share life together and never get into a disagreement. Conflict is inevitable, even in a strong marriage!

An Authentic Discussion On The Difficulties Of Standing Up For What We Believe Part 37

Sometimes following God’s will brings opposition from those around us. Especially those who are affected by the decisions we make.

Explore Ways To Debate Issues With Christlike Love Part 17

Disagreements are part of daily life. And how we handle conflict is of great importance to God. Having difficulty addressing a difference in opinion? Don’t miss the practical advice.

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