Category  |  Forgiveness Of

Discover reasons to rejoice even when life is falling apart Part 12

A happy family. A fulfilling career. A fruitful ministry. It’s easy to be grateful for things that go well. Being thankful for the events that turn our life upside down, now that’s tough! A study on “The Beauty of Broken.”

How to offer God’s forgiveness to those who’ve hurt us the most Part 10

Is there a family hurt you can’t seem to get past? A word, an action, or a mistake that makes forgiveness seem impossible?

Let’s look at why every family needs the healing touch of the Savior Part 7

Whether it’s a troubled marriage, rebellious children, or generational sin, we may think our brokenness is unusual for a Christian family. Discover that family fractures are typical in every home! Let's look at "The Beauty of Broken."

How the fractured parts of our families bring us closer to God Part 3

When a prized possession in our home shatters, we’re prone to simply throw away the pieces. Thankfully, that’s not what God does with broken things! Looking to put the pieces back together in your family?

Why “Lord, have mercy” should be our daily request Part 10

What is the one thing you ask God for the most? Protection for your family? Food on the table? It’s the conclusion of a study on “The Mercy Prayer.”

The Dangers Of Comparing Ourselves To Others Part 14

When we compare ourselves to others either we puff up with pride over our virtues, or deflate as we dwell on our weaknesses. Our benchmark should be God’s standards, and not the men and women around us.

Discover A Fresh Perspective To Dealing With People In A Loving Way Part 10

It’s not easy to confront someone who has strayed from the faith. But at times, confrontation is necessary.

Let’s Look At The Fruit Of The Spirit In The Way We Treat Others Part 9

It’s common to commit the fruit of the Spirit to memory, love, joy, peace, patience. But have you ever wondered how to live those attitudes out?

Gain Insight Into Our Relationship With God When You Look At The Story Of The Prodigal Son Part 25

No matter how hard we try to separate ourselves from God, we can’t. Our very breath comes from Him! Delve into the teaching of Jesus and take a refreshing look at the story of the Prodigal Son.

Discover The Recipe For A Strong Christian Marriage Part 5

What makes for a strong marriage? What key ingredients do you need to have a fulfilling, lifelong relationship with your husband or your wife?

A Message Of Hope Beneath This Story Of A Broken Family Part 53

It’s difficult to forgive those who have hurt you . . . especially when they are family members—the very people who are supposed to love and support you. 


How To Cultivate Your Marriage . . . Through Good Times And Bad Part 41

All relationships take work . . . but none more so than a marriage. Going through a difficult season with your husband or wife?

An Insightful Dialogue On Building Up Relationships Part 40

It isn’t easy to ask for forgiveness when you realize you’ve been in the wrong. And it isn’t easy to forgive someone when they’ve hurt you deeply. And yet, forgiveness is a necessary ingredient in restoring relationships.

Practical Advice On How To Resolve Differences In A Productive Way Part 39

It’s hard to picture an argument bringing two people closer together . . . and yet, when you handle conflict in a positive way . . . that’s exactly what happens!


A Whole New Perspective On Intimacy In Marriage Part 20

The word, “intimacy” is often used to describe romantic love. Struggling to find a deeper connection with your spouse?

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