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Helping fight another’s battle Part 4

Joy is a powerful weapon in times of trouble. Join our stirring conversation today as we discover how the gift of our presence can help others "Fight Back with Joy."

Let's take one final look at the blind man in John chapter 9, from the perspective of Jesus Part 5

In the dark, it’s hard to see anything clearly. It’s only when the light is turned on that everything comes into focus. Let's take one final look at the blind man in John chapter 9, from the perspective of Jesus, the Light of the World. See this passage with new eyes.

A challenge to change our perspective on those in need Part 3

Some saw him as a culprit to blame. Others viewed him as a mystery to solve. But the religious leaders saw the blind man in John chapter 9 as a problem to avoid! Do we view them as people to love or interruptions to ignore?

Lessons from the healing of a blind man Part 2

Scripture tells us that God often works in mysterious ways. Why we don’t need to know all the reasons to appreciate God’s amazing work.

An important discussion about the dangers of exploiting others Part 2

Ever notice how easy it is to mix up our priorities? It happens when we love things and use people, instead of loving people and using things!

Let’s turn to John chapter 8 and the account of the woman caught in adultery Part 1

Rather than help her privately, the religious leaders decided to use a broken woman to trap Jesus publicly! Don't miss the start of this dramatic story.

A personal story of loss, pain, and renewed faith from special guest, Carol Kent Part 4

As a popular speaker, author, and Bible teacher, Carol’s faith was on fire. But then a trial came that threatened to extinguish her flame.

Watch what happens when God joins the fruitless discussion between Job and friends Part 8

Ever been involved in a dead-end conversation? It can happen when people talk at each other, rather than with each other. Watch what happens when God joins the conversation between Job and his friends.

Discover why we can be confident in the friendship of God Part 5

There are times when our prayers seem to bounce right off the ceiling instead of reaching God’s ear. And in those moments, it’s difficult not to feel abandoned. Comparing a current story of alienation with the story of Job.

Using our testimonies to share the love and grace of God with others Part 5

You can argue over facts, figures, and viewpoints. But it’s tough to debate a personal story! Learn how to “shine” for Christ.

Let’s conclude our study on the Roman centurion in Matthew 8 Part 5

Want to know how to shock and amaze God? This soldier said something that astonished Jesus, and in so doing, gave us an inspiring example.

How to live for an audience and approval of One Part 4

Though we may deny it at times, most of us care what people think of us. Our self-image is often wrapped up in the opinions of others! It’s a lesson learned from a Roman centurion.

Let’s continue our study on the Roman centurion in Matthew 8 Part 3

It’s been said that the best test of a person’s character is how he treats people who have nothing to offer. How this soldier cared for those close to him is a good example for all of us!

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