Category  |  Women

Let’s take a closer look at wisdom in action, in Proverbs chapter 31 Part 3

The book of Proverbs is full of godly wisdom for every area of our lives. And in the final chapter of that book, we get to see how this wisdom is lived out day by day!

Discover the source of the daily wisdom we need in the book of Proverbs Part 2

Whether we’re faced with decisions at work, or resolving issues in our home, we all could use a little wisdom! Let's discuss a “go to” place for biblical insight, found in the book of Proverbs.

A fresh perspective on the identity of the Proverbs 31 woman Part 1

Proverbs 31 is often referenced as a great example of a godly woman. But could this chapter be a model for both women and men? Discover why this passage is applicable to everyone.

A conversation on Jesus’ love for us Part 5

In Mark chapter 5 we find the stories of two women. One has been battling health problems for years. The other is a little girl on the brink of death. But both of their stories change forever when Jesus shows up.

Discover the lengths to which Jesus went to prove His love for us Part 4

Love is an over-used word these days. We use it to express our affection for a spouse, or to show appreciation for a really good dinner! But what does it mean to truly love someone?

A moving portrayal of God’s love for His children Part 3

Life is full of interruptions. And our usual response to these disruptions is annoyance. But that’s not the case with Jesus! Let's look at how Jesus took a break from His plans, to touch a person in need.

Waiting for God to show up Part 2

Anticipating medical test results, standing in a long line, sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic, sometimes waiting seems impossible! Let's study a passage in Mark chapter 5 where a woman has been waiting 12 years for God to show up and heal her. What was taking Him so long?

Jesus cares for and redeems the people our world typically tosses aside Part 1

Ever stopped to think about how much garbage we throw away? Once something stops being useful, into the trash it goes! An insightful conversation about a story in Mark chapter 5.

God Often Chooses The Most Unlikely Men And Women To Do His Work! Part 11

In God’s economy, gender isn’t nearly as important as character and faith.

An In-depth Study On The Men And Women Who God Has Used In Extraordinary Ways Part 10

Find encouragement for your own journey as you learn the rich history of the heroes of our faith.

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