Embracing the Messiah Part 5
Today on "Discover the Word," we end the first week of the special series for Christmas titled, “For God So Loved,” by revealing how Jesus challenged a prominent leader of the Sanhedrin, Nicodemus, to embrace the Messiah he wasn’t expecting. It poses a question for all of us. And the answer is wrapped up in a simple two-letter word that reveals the intensity of Jesus’ love for all humanity. Find out what that word is, on "Discover the Word"!
How Jesus came to rescue people Part 4
Do you like snakes? Well, today on "Discover the Word," we will talk about how Jesus referenced the story of Moses “lifting up the serpent” in the wilderness. Are you familiar with that story? See an amazing connection that points to how Jesus came to rescue people “snake bitten” by sin.
How would you answer the question, "where are you from"? Part 3
“Where are you from?” It’s an icebreaker question we often ask people to get an idea of who they are. Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss the contrast between how Nicodemus, a respected religious leader from Jerusalem would answer that question and how Jesus would answer it. Where did Jesus say He was from? Listen today on "Discover the Word"!
An eternal king for an eternal kingdom Part 2
It’s understandable that back in the first century, the Jews were looking for an earthly king, for an earthly kingdom. Yet in Jesus, God was providing the gift of an eternal King who would rule an eternal kingdom. Today on "Discover the Word," we'll talk about one of Jesus’ questions to Nicodemus, a prominent Pharisee. Nicodemus was challenged with a new way of thinking about the kingdom of heaven. Join us today for "Discover the Word"!
Creator King Part 2
New Agers often refer to “the universe” as though it was a separate entity, an impersonal force that guides their lives toward some vague, mystical purpose. Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss God as the Creator King. As both Psalm 24 and John chapter one reveal, “the heavens and the earth” were created by God. So apart from its Creator, the universe has no power to determine anything.
How to draw closer to Jesus Part 4
Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss how we all spend time in the valley of the shadow of death, be it through the loss of a loved one or our own ticking life clock. Yet in the midst of our mortality we can still “fear no evil.” We won’t always be kept from evil, but as we draw closer to Jesus, the Good Shepherd will help us go through that valley with our souls securely intact. That’s today on "Discover the Word"!
Jesus restores and cares for you and me Part 3
Psalm 23 begins by using sheep to illustrate the Good Shepherd’s tender care for us. But then David goes beyond the basics and into the deep recesses of the soul. Today on "Discover the Word," we will talk about the meaning behind the words, “He restores my soul and guides me in the paths of righteousness.” During those times when we’re tired, anxious, or upset, Jesus gives us a restored sense of peace and rest. That's today on "Discover the Word."
Jesus, Fully Divine and Fully Human Part 3
Jesus was both fully divine and fully human. Which means He wasn’t immune to experiencing human emotions. Today on "Discover the Word," we will discuss the intensity of these emotions as David foretold in Psalm 22. Phrases like “I’m a worm . . . scorned by men . . . despised by people,” give us graphic word pictures of Christ’s very real distress on the cross.
How to embrace the life of faith and keep our eyes on Jesus Part 13
Salvation comes the moment we accept the promises of God. But taking that first step of faith isn’t always easy!
Let’s reveal the true hope behind this often misunderstood familiar verse in the Psalms Part 5
It’s not uncommon to hear the Bible quoted in public settings. And sometimes, the Scripture is misused, failing to reflect what the author intended.
Looking at the very first Passover to find parallels with Jesus Christ as the ultimate Passover Lamb Part 40
When we read stories in the Old Testament we sometimes forget they’re part of the big picture God laid out over the course of the Bible. An insightful conversation connecting the Old and New Testaments.
The most important thing to consider when making decisions Part 31
Everyone dreads making tough decisions. The options can be daunting, and input from others may cloud the issue.