“The Beauty of Broken”
Broken family & shattered relationships
There is no such thing as perfect - in families, in leadership, in life. Yet hope emerges through understanding that our brokenness - placed in God's redeeming hands - may be our most beautiful offering in this world. God both loves and uses the broken for his beautiful purposes.
“The Beauty of Broken”
There is no such thing as perfect - in families, in leadership, in life. Yet hope emerges through understanding that our brokenness - placed in God's redeeming hands - may be our most beautiful offering in this world. God both loves and uses the broken for his beautiful purposes.
Putting the pieces back together
There is no such thing as perfect - in families, in leadership, in life. Yet hope emerges through understanding that our brokenness - placed in God's redeeming hands - may be our most beautiful offering in this world. God both loves and uses the broken for his beautiful purposes.
Embracing the pain
There is no such thing as perfect - in families, in leadership, in life. Yet hope emerges through understanding that our brokenness - placed in God's redeeming hands - may be our most beautiful offering in this world. God both loves and uses the broken for his beautiful purposes.
Learning to share in our brokenness
There is no such thing as perfect - in families, in leadership, in life. Yet hope emerges through understanding that our brokenness - placed in God's redeeming hands - may be our most beautiful offering in this world. God both loves and uses the broken for his beautiful purposes.
God’s restoration process for the broken
There is no such thing as perfect - in families, in leadership, in life. Yet hope emerges through understanding that our brokenness - placed in God's redeeming hands - may be our most beautiful offering in this world. God both loves and uses the broken for his beautiful purposes.
Every family needs the healing touch of Jesus
There is no such thing as perfect - in families, in leadership, in life. Yet hope emerges through understanding that our brokenness - placed in God's redeeming hands - may be our most beautiful offering in this world. God both loves and uses the broken for his beautiful purposes.
Healing found in surrender
There is no such thing as perfect - in families, in leadership, in life. Yet hope emerges through understanding that our brokenness - placed in God's redeeming hands - may be our most beautiful offering in this world. God both loves and uses the broken for his beautiful purposes.
God loves your child
There is no such thing as perfect - in families, in leadership, in life. Yet hope emerges through understanding that our brokenness - placed in God's redeeming hands - may be our most beautiful offering in this world. God both loves and uses the broken for his beautiful purposes.
Forgiveness for those who hurt us the most
There is no such thing as perfect - in families, in leadership, in life. Yet hope emerges through understanding that our brokenness - placed in God's redeeming hands - may be our most beautiful offering in this world. God both loves and uses the broken for his beautiful purposes.
Repairing sibling relationships
There is no such thing as perfect - in families, in leadership, in life. Yet hope emerges through understanding that our brokenness - placed in God's redeeming hands - may be our most beautiful offering in this world. God both loves and uses the broken for his beautiful purposes.
Reasons to rejoice when life is hard
There is no such thing as perfect - in families, in leadership, in life. Yet hope emerges through understanding that our brokenness - placed in God's redeeming hands - may be our most beautiful offering in this world. God both loves and uses the broken for his beautiful purposes.