Carrying Our Friends to Christ
Bringing others to Christ is a team effort
How we long for our friends and loved ones to know the Jesus we know! We long for some to come to know him for the first time, for others to discover more fully all they can experience in a relationship with him. But for so many reasons, they can hang back, uneasy about taking steps toward the love and…
There’s only one path to God, but there are many paths to Jesus
How we long for our friends and loved ones to know the Jesus we know! We long for some to come to know him for the first time, for others to discover more fully all they can experience in a relationship with him. But for so many reasons, they can hang back, uneasy about taking steps toward the love and…
Overcoming the barriers to knowing Jesus
How we long for our friends and loved ones to know the Jesus we know! We long for some to come to know him for the first time, for others to discover more fully all they can experience in a relationship with him. But for so many reasons, they can hang back, uneasy about taking steps toward the love and…
“Carrying Our Friends to Christ”
How we long for our friends and loved ones to know the Jesus we know! We long for some to come to know him for the first time, for others to discover more fully all they can experience in a relationship with him. But for so many reasons, they can hang back, uneasy about taking steps toward the love and…
Joining the conversation
How we long for our friends and loved ones to know the Jesus we know! We long for some to come to know him for the first time, for others to discover more fully all they can experience in a relationship with him. But for so many reasons, they can hang back, uneasy about taking steps toward the love and…