Navigating Life’s Shipwrecks
Planning for the unexpected and still yielding to God
When our plans go off course, is it up to us to get back on track? Or should we step aside and let God take the wheel? Today we'll talk about the balance between the two as we study a lesson from the life of Paul.
How God accomplishes His greater purpose
It's discouraging when our best-laid plans fall apart. But could the frustrating interruptions in our lives have greater purpose? Join us today as we discover how an unexpected journey was part of God's good plan for Paul!
What is our role in God’s story?
All of history is God's story, and each of us has a role to play in that tale. Join us for an eye-opening conversation today as we explore a scene from the book of Acts and discover how each character had a part in God's bigger plan.
A story of unexpected journeys!
Following Jesus means we can be confident we'll arrive exactly where we need to be. But how will we get there? That might be a little unpredictable. Join us on "Discover the Word" as we start a brand-new series on "Life's Shipwrecks."
How do we get ready for spiritual catastrophes?
Whether it's an earthquake, a tornado, or a hurricane, it's a good idea to have a disaster plan in place. Today we continue our study in the book of Acts for tips on preparing for spiritual catastrophes.
How to weather the storms of today
When we're in the thick of those disastrous storms of life, we may wonder, "Where's God?" or "Will He rescue us in time?" Today we continue our series by looking at the book of Acts to discover how to weather the storms of today by remembering God's provision of yesterday.
Can interruptions be sacred?
When you're in a hurry to get to your destination, any interruption is unwelcome. But as we continue talking about "Life's Shipwrecks," we realize that when we choose to follow Jesus, there may be some sacred disruptions along the way!
Are you facing a disaster you can’t handle?
After being imprisoned, shipwrecked, and stranded, Paul could have easily given in to panic. Yet he remained at peace during the entire disaster. Today on "Discover the Word" we'll be taking a look at the biblical principle for crisis management.