The Parable of the Vineyard Workers

A parable that runs contradictory to our perceptions of right and wrong

It’s human nature to have a keen sense of fairness. Hard work deserves a favorable outcome. But when the promotion doesn’t come, our sense of fairness is slighted.

Jesus draws attention to God’s view of fairness

It’s truly amazing how God gives us what we don’t deserve, His unending grace, and doesn’t give us what we do deserve, His wrath.

Discover how Jesus helps us with the question, What’s in it for me?

If we’re completely honest with ourselves, most of us have wondered "What’s in it for me?", even when contemplating following Jesus Christ. We don’t like to admit it, but it’s a natural question that arises particularly when we’re facing tough times. Let's attempt to answer this interesting query.

Looking at Jesus’ teaching and the truth about God’s grace

Let’s be honest, when we’ve done something good we want a pat on the back. Even in spiritual matters, it’s hard not to expect God to reward us for our work! An insightful discovery about God's grace.

God wants to go far beyond justice and extend us His grace

When we complete our workweek we want to receive what we deserve, a week’s paycheck. It’s a just reward for what we’ve done.

Discover the rewards of working for Christ

In today’s economy it’s a true blessing to find a job with great benefits. Perhaps you, or someone you love, is looking for work right now. What if you were offered the perfect job with eternal benefits?

A new and refreshing outlook on life

Do you see your job as a chore or a reward? Let's discuss how we can invest our lives in something great, instead of simply biding our time, waiting for something better to come along.

God’s generosity in providing us with work for His kingdom

Sometimes work can feel like a burden, but it’s beneficial because it provides for our daily needs. In the same way, it may feel like a burden to work for Christ. But when we’re obedient, God faithfully and graciously provides for us in return.

Discovering God’s perspective on grace and fairness

Imagine you’ve been tirelessly working for years. You’ve put in your dues. Then the boss gives the promotion to the new guy. It’s just not fair! Let's address a similar issue that arose in one of Jesus’ parables.

A helpful discussion on what “having faith” truly means

Hebrews chapter 13, verse 5, says “I’ll never leave you nor forsake you.” But when difficult circumstances arise it’s not always easy to believe God’s promise. We feel forsaken and alone, and faith comes reluctantly.

Discover that in God’s economy there’s a difference between justice and fairness

Sometimes life isn’t fair. But according to the “Discover the Word” team, unfairness doesn’t automatically equate to being unjustly treated. Let's look at a story Jesus told that at first glance may seem unfair.

Discover the startling notion of grace in Jesus’ parable of the vineyard workers

Our employment system dictates that a full day’s work deserves a full day’s pay. But in Jesus’ economy, we receive even more than we’ve bargained for!

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