What is Faith?

Discover an intriguing look at the battle for the mind

There’s a battle that has raged for centuries, between the ideas of the world and the truth of Scripture. Let's hold up the doctrines of Scripture to other religious ideas of the ages.

It’s all about strengthening your faith

Let's go back to the basics of the gospel. If you’re in need of a fresh reminder of God’s grace, perhaps a little encouragement and perspective, join our conversation about the hope and the help found in the Bible.

It's all about receiving what God has already done!

No matter how hard we try, we can’t earn our way into God’s good graces. It isn’t our church attendance or how often we pray that defines a life of faith.

Let’s take a look at God’s remarkable forgiveness towards those who least deserve it

When someone has hurt us, it isn’t always easy to forgive. And yet God extends His grace and mercy to us every single day.

Let's get back to the core message of the gospel

God has promised to forgive our sins through Jesus, and nothing can be added, or subtracted from that radical truth.

How do we go about earning our way into God’s favor?

Let's get back to the basics of faith with a story of two very different men who had a meeting with the Lord.

Let’s take another look at God’s incredible grace and forgiveness

It’s hard to believe that a perfect God would accept us solely on the basis of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. Can it really be that easy?

Looking at God’s plan of salvation throughout the Old and New Testaments

Salvation through Jesus isn’t limited to modern believers, it’s for all people in all generations! Let's help bridge the gap between the Old and New Testaments by looking at God’s plan of salvation throughout the entire Bible.

How our life goal is the same as the men and women of the Bible; those heroes of the faith

They killed giants. Survived world-wide floods. Fathered nations! The miraculous exploits of men and women in the Bible often make it difficult to relate to them. While our circumstances may not be the same, our life goal is precisely the same as those heroes of the faith.

An illustration of how faith plays an important part in loving the unlovely

God calls us to love one another, but it’s not always easy! Perhaps there’s someone you need to reach out to, but you’ve been holding back.

Faith and God’s ultimate promise

Part of the life of faith is believing that God will follow through on His promises. God has already come through on His ultimate promise to send His Son as a sacrifice for our sins.

Living a life of faith in a world that tries to undermine our beliefs

When your integrity is on the line, do you crumble? Or do you stand for what you believe?

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