What Jesus Said About Your Money

Asking the right questions to truly understand what the Bible has to say

Do you ever have questions when studying a portion of Scripture? Sure, we all do! Let's turn to Luke 16 and one of Jesus’ parables that raises some difficult questions.

Learn more about today's guest, Jeff Manion

Discover what Jesus taught about money and stewardship

Jesus often used parables to teach lessons on faith and life. Let's listen to a dramatic interpretation of Jesus’ story on the shrewd manager.

Let’s talk about Jesus’ parable of the shrewd manager

When Jesus taught, He didn’t always spell things out in black and white. Instead, He used stories to impart life lessons.

Learn more about today's guest, Jeff Manion

What is a "steward"? The answer may surprise you!

The term steward doesn’t come up often in daily conversation. But, if you’re a follower of Jesus, that’s exactly what you are!

Learn more about today's guest, Jeff Manion

An interesting perspective on “what’s mine”

We work hard, earn our salaries, and feel like the benefits of the income are ours to enjoy. Let's discuss what it means to be a good steward.

Do we have the "right" to own our house, our car, and all our personal belongings?

We work hard at our job, earn a healthy paycheck, and if we’re not careful, we can adopt a sense of entitlement.

Learn more about today's guest, Jeff Manion

Discover what it means to be a steward

What are your strengths? Perhaps you’re good with computers, or hospitality comes naturally to you. Encouragement for followers of God to use the gifts He’s bestowed on them for His glory.

Learn more about today's guest, Jeff Manion

How our perspective changes when we view our resources as belonging to God

According to the “Discover the Word” team, there’s danger in viewing our assets as things we’ve earned. Let's study Jesus’ parable on stewardship in Luke chapter sixteen.

Learn more about today's guest, Jeff Manion

Gaining a new perspective on the blessings we’ve been given

If you were given fifty thousand dollars, tax free, what would you spend it on? Would a new car or upgrades to your home be at the top of your list?

Learn more about today's guest, Jeff Manion

Discover the biblical idea of stewardship

The world wants us to believe that we are the masters of our homes. We are in charge of our income and all of our assets. Discover the counter-cultural wisdom from Jesus’ parable in Luke sixteen.

Learn more about today's guest, Jeff Manion

Discover the positive characteristics of a shrewd manager

When we think of someone who’s shrewd, we often think of them in a negative light.

Learn more about today's guest, Jeff Manion

Discover what it means to be shrewd, and how Jesus intended His followers to respond

In Luke chapter sixteen, Jesus tells a story which teaches that His followers need to be a shrewd managers of their resources.

Learn more about today's guest, Jeff Manion

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