By Faith… Abraham—Part 2

Reaching The World Without Letting Its Values Infiltrate The Church

In any church, it takes a lot of discernment to welcome people from all walks of life, without condoning their sinful lifestyle. How do we embrace everyone, without alienating anyone?

The Church’s Role In Our Ever-changing Society

As followers of Christ, are we called to merely separate ourselves from our culture? Hide out, and hunker down? Or should we be reaching out to redeem and change the world around us?

Let’s Examine A Biblical View Of Influencing The World Around Us

What is the Christian’s role in trying to make an impact on society? Are we to be up in arms every time we disagree with the culture?

Practical Ways To Understand The Society Around Us While Still Maintaining Our Beliefs

We’re taught to be in the world . . . but not of the world. So, as Christians, how do we reconcile our value system with a godless culture?

Explore Ways To Debate Issues With Christlike Love

Disagreements are part of daily life. And how we handle conflict is of great importance to God. Having difficulty addressing a difference in opinion? Don’t miss the practical advice.

Ever Get Impatient With God’s Timing?

Nothing tests our patience any more than waiting. Whether it’s awaiting a son or daughter’s return home . . . or the few weeks before a baby is due . . . or anticipating a phone call with important news. Waiting is hard!

How God Interacts With Us On A Daily Basis . . . Through Good Times And Bad

Does receiving blessings mean everything in life is going great? Or is it possible to receive God’s blessings even in the darkest times?

Ever Feel You’re Not “good Enough” For God’s Love?

God’s love is unconditional, and His promises aren’t contingent on anything we do. Instead, God reveals His faithfulness to us despite our human weakness or failures.

A Challenge For Us To Choose The Eternal Blessings Over Temporal Ones

It’s easy to get caught up in our daily lives, isn’t it? We live in the here and now . . . with little thought of the future. And yet, God asks us to have an eternal perspective.

Ways To Deepen Your Relationship With God

Trust is a key ingredient in strong relationships. No friendship can survive without it! And trusting God is the beginning of the deepest kind of friendship.

The Difference A Deep, Committed Relationship With God Can Make In Your Life!

Friendship means a lot, doesn’t it? It brings the joy and companionship we long for in life. But have you ever thought of becoming close friends with God?

How To Release A Burden. Are You Carrying Something Heavy Today?

Ever notice how trusting God comes easier at certain times of your life than others? But even during the most difficult trials, a close relationship with God can lighten the load you carry.

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