By Faith… the Judges

The Life Of One Of The Influential Leaders In The Old Testament

God doesn’t make cookie-cutter leaders. Each one is uniquely molded from varied circumstances and experiences. Perhaps you’re looking at your past and wondering if God can still use you.

Jephthah, A Man Who Had A Heart For God, But Made Some Choices With Dire Consequences

Even the best intentions don’t always keep us out of trouble. We mean well . . . but still manage to make poor choices as we live day to day.

The Dangers Of Belief In God Without A Solid Foundation In Theology

Belief in God doesn’t necessarily mean you understand God’s character correctly. Can blind faith actually cause more harm than good?

A Man Who Came From A Painful Childhood, But Overcame His Hurt In Order To Help In A Time Of Crisis

Not all homes are happy ones. Perhaps you know the pain of growing up in a dysfunctional family.

A Message Of Hope Beneath This Story Of A Broken Family

It’s difficult to forgive those who have hurt you . . . especially when they are family members—the very people who are supposed to love and support you. 


Building Bridges Rather Than Walls

In a world characterized by war, as nation battles nation . . . peace seems far away. From the book of Judges in the Bible, one man led the way with diplomacy.

A Difficult Passage In The Book Of Judges

Ignorance can get you in a lot of trouble. And for Jephthah, a man in the Bible, it cost him dearly. Is it possible to do the wrong thing for the right reasons?

Sometimes People Do Rash Things In The Name Of Faith

The Bible story of Jephthah has sparked intense debate over the years. Let's get to the heart of the question . . . how could this man sacrifice his own child to please God?

A Much-debated Passage Of Scripture About A Man Who Made A Rash Vow To God

What you think of God shapes the choices you make throughout your life. And when your view of God isn’t based on truth, the results can be devastating. 

A Man Who Made An Outrageous Vow To God . . . With Devastating Consequences

When times are tough and the light at the end of the tunnel is dim, people tend to make deals with God. Bargaining, if God gets them through it then they will . . . fill in the blank. 

Having The Right Understanding Of God Is Extremely Important

How do you picture God? Is He involved in your life? Or a distant observer? 

When Our Perception Of God Is Wrong, Our Choices Are Affected

Without a solid foundation of Bible knowledge, our view of God can be tainted. Let's look at the story of Jephthah in the Old Testament. A man whose wrong understanding of God cost him the life of his daughter.

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