Explore the Bible for Yourself
The Challenge Of Applying The Bible To Our Everyday Lives
How to approach biblical passages, and how to draw application for your life today can be rewarding!
How To Deal With Current-day Problems That Aren’t Mentioned In The Scriptures
When you’re trying to discern right from wrong, the Bible gives clarity and conviction. But what about the pressing issues of our day that are never mentioned in the Scriptures?
Guidelines For Accurately Interpreting The Scriptures
It’s all too easy to take an illustration from the Bible and turn it into a principle God never intended. The danger comes in taking that principle and misapplying it to our daily lives.
Ten Guidelines To Help Better Understand The Bible And Correctly Apply It To Daily Life
The Bible is filled with wisdom and instruction from God. And learning how to interpret and apply His Word to our lives is an essential discipline for the follower of Christ.